Mandalorian Convert starting a Spartan Inf build


New Member
Greeting from Middle Tennessee. I have been a Mandalorian for about 2 years and after completing a 4th kit ( mine, wife, son, coworker and now V2 for mine) I am starting a new project with the Galatic armory Inf. Chief files. I have a good portion printed out, about to finish the chest and will move to the belt and legs, arms and head already done and then off to post processing all the parts. Still trying to figure out how all the parts secure to each other with various strapping and velcro methods but all in time. Waiting for discord approval I am sure there is a ton of good information on there. Not going to go 117 with this kit but rather a custom color selection.
This is the way friend, greetings from Gurreck. Show us the goods thought! Let's see those Chief prints!!!
This is the way friend, greetings from Gurreck. Show us the goods thought! Let's see those Chief prints!!!
Greeting vod, here's what I have so far. Started printing the cod tonight, all goes well should have the cod and legs done this week.


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Not going to go 117 with this kit but rather a custom color selection.
Good for you. I've always been 'me' but in that universe with all my cosplays over the years.
Enjoy the journey and welcome to the 405th.


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