Mark VII Spartan Ver Megurine Luka

This turned out absolutely amazing! This amount of work in 4 months is incredible. Great work and write-up! This one's going into the inspiration and reference bookmarks.
I also can't thank you enough for the resin prints. The clear shoulderpieces and the thigh & shin latches worked perfectly and made my life so much easier.
I think I took all of those suited pictures. Lol

Your suit was awesome! So much going on. So much knowledge crammed into a 4 month build window. So much shiny in the sun! You did a fantastic job building and documenting.

Can we get this nominated for best one day build thread?
I think I took all of those suited pictures. Lol

Your suit was awesome! So much going on. So much knowledge crammed into a 4 month build window. So much shiny in the sun! You did a fantastic job building and documenting.

Can we get this nominated for best one day build thread?
besides the first 2 (those are Flipyaps) I believe you're right!
awesome build thread and breakdown. Really great job and construction on all mediums, I might have to take some inspiration from those boot covers!
Deployment Images:
So I knew going into this build that no matter the quality of the actual construction, paint, and scaling I would be tier 1 locked under the deployment rules.
That wasn't going to stop me from deploying anyway, wear that T1 with pride!
Pictures are below for reference when taking pictures for deployment and also as a full 360 view of the suit!

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One of the things I may of mentioned but not specified is the mobility of the MkVII, I got to put it to the test at Thy Geekdom con!
Simply put, its fantastic! The indentations in the gauntlets, thighs, and shins allow for a fantastic range of arm & leg motion. This coupled with a full elastic belt meant that I had no worries doing some stupid stuff in the suit (as one does).
I was able to do pushups, situps, lay down (back and stomach), pick stuff up that I dropped, and the most important of all, all the dancing!


Some pre convention fit check schenanigans.
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Can I just say, your writeup and spartan costume is amazing!!! Many thanks for sharing. It has helped me immeasurably in figuring out my Master Chief Infinite armor. You actually inspired me to start looking for different harness options and I found the perfect solution in a climbing harness to piece all the armor together, Again, you rock!
Can I just say, your writeup and spartan costume is amazing!!! Many thanks for sharing. It has helped me immeasurably in figuring out my Master Chief Infinite armor. You actually inspired me to start looking for different harness options and I found the perfect solution in a climbing harness to piece all the armor together,
That looks like a great base for a strapping harness! I'm interested in seeing it all pieced together!
This is an awesome build! Very thorough and easy to follow! Love the breakdown on price and links to the items too. Definitely gonna borrow some of this for my Chief build im working on
Fan Expo Canada Photodump
Had the pleasure of roadtripping up to Fan X with Angus314 to meet with what felt like half the Canadian regiment on the east coast. I was finally able to talk with so many friends in person, met new ones, and oh so many shenanigan's were had.

With that being said my armor had some difficulties this weekend. LEDs on the shoulderpads gave out, one of my inner thighs kinda blew up :lol: and I had some other small malfunctions. After I finally rest for a bit I plan to get back to working on this suit and fix up all the small things that I know oh so desperately need it.
Anyways... Heres a photo dump!

Let's just say, hypothetically, if i was a Barbie girl

Fun times with the catboys homies


and of course, the staple of all conventions, holding a lot of fun props.

That's all for now folks, till the next update!

~ Lobbster
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