Fan Expo Canada Photodump
Had the pleasure of roadtripping up to Fan X with
Angus314 to meet with what felt like half the Canadian regiment on the east coast. I was finally able to talk with so many friends in person, met new ones, and oh so many shenanigan's were had.
With that being said my armor had some difficulties this weekend. LEDs on the shoulderpads gave out, one of my inner thighs kinda blew up

and I had some other small malfunctions. After I finally rest for a bit I plan to get back to working on this suit and fix up all the small things that I know oh so desperately need it.
Anyways... Heres a photo dump!
Let's just say, hypothetically, if i was a Barbie girl
Fun times with the
catboys homies
and of course, the staple of all conventions, holding a lot of fun props.
That's all for now folks, till the next update!
~ Lobbster