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Cost & Parts Breakdown

Coming in as my most expensive suit to date the total cost for this project was a whopping $1392.65 USD

Below you can see my everything I used to make this suit (minus some things I already had on hand) with links attached.

Full Part Breakdown

ItemQuantityCost perTotal
Molotow marker1$12.95$12.95
Squeeze bottle1$3.07$3.07
Cutting mat1$12.59$12.59
SKS Props HD Foam3$15.99$47.97
PlaidFX Golden Hour3$5.76$17.28
SKS 6mm Foam3$15.99$47.97
Chamelion Pearl 1g2$14.50$29.00
3M Fiberglass cloth1$8.28$8.28
Gorilla hot glue sticks1$21.19$21.19
Wireless rotary tool1$23.29$23.29
Chest Speaker1$25.43$25.43
2 in 1 filler primer1$7.98$7.98
kwikseal caulk1$5.48$5.48
Black plastidip2$8.98$17.96
swivel buckles1$6.64$6.64
Fake Microphones1$11.99$11.99
Condor Molle Large utility pouch1$16.12$16.12
rogue workshop visor1$75.00$75.00
Golden Orange Colorshift3$9.55$28.65
Rose Bud Colorshift2$9.55$19.10
Megurine Luka costume1$41.47$41.47
Duplicolor vinyl & Fabric Paint1$14.62$14.62
PCTG Printed Chestplate1$60.00$60.00
Rubber Undersuit backplate1$180.16$180.16
Plastic Welding Gun1$21.99$21.99
Chest files1$50.00$50.00
RGB Lights1$8.46$8.46
Plastic belt hinges1$7.41$7.41
chest hinges1$22.25$22.25
Winsinn fans1$10.99$10.99
USB connectors1$8.99$8.99
Double mag pouch2$16.89$33.78
Bluetooth media remote1$16.29$16.29
USB hub1$13.49$13.49
Blower cooling fan1$8.59$8.59
1" cube magnet1$24.99$24.99
Decoart Paints1$26.27$26.27
Light up shoes1$35.77$35.77
wetsanding sandpaper1$8.47$8.47
mouse sandpaper1$16.95$16.95
bondo spot putty1$25.96$25.96
Action Camera1$59.35$59.35
60lb magnets1$20.13$20.13
clear shrinkwrap1$12.99$12.99
4 pin connectors1$14.96$14.96
helmet pads1$9.85$9.85
running belt1$9.52$9.52
utility chest bag1$19.04$19.04
d rings6$1.31$7.86
Bar magnets1$15.25$15.25
shoulder pads1$14.09$14.09
1" buckles1$11.65$11.65
1" elastic bands1$8.47$8.47
Sterilite Footlocker2$26.98$53.96
4 way stretch pleather2$13.99$27.98

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