Master Chief knife from the TV series


Anyone know of a 3D model available for Master Chief's knife from the TV series? I have not seen any real good images of it from the show? In the last episode of season 2 near the end when he's on the Ring there is a closeup where you can see the handle pretty clearly but not the blade itself.
I started digging into my 4k files for that while it was airing. That final episode is nicely lit but the action is so fast every frame is motion blur. First episode while not as nicely lit has some frame that are more stopped.
Cool, thx! Do you know if its a specific knife from the universe or a new one?
I don't know. The handle is very close to a combat knife but without the big flat pommel on the end. Less exaggerated grips. Almost like its a clone of a real knife scaled up by the props department then given a rubber blade for safety.

I'm still digging as I have time for better frames of the blade for scale and shape. And going to have to run them through Photoshop to enhance coloring to draw out the detail. Being as its only out for a little bit in a couple fast action scenes, then he never wears it, then he does...
Funny to watch a scene slowly... It's in his hand... back in the shoulder... change camera... in his hand... change camera, still in the shoulder... change camera, now its just gone.
I don't know. The handle is very close to a combat knife but without the big flat pommel on the end. Less exaggerated grips. Almost like its a clone of a real knife scaled up by the props department then given a rubber blade for safety.

I'm still digging as I have time for better frames of the blade for scale and shape. And going to have to run them through Photoshop to enhance coloring to draw out the detail. Being as its only out for a little bit in a couple fast action scenes, then he never wears it, then he does...
Funny to watch a scene slowly... It's in his hand... back in the shoulder... change camera... in his hand... change camera, still in the shoulder... change camera, now its just gone.
Yeah, I'm mostly concerned with how the handle looks since that's all that really shows. Deploying the knife at a Con is probably something I won';t be doing very often if at all. Yeah the continuity people sometimes get overridden in scenes ...
This thread is more than 11 months old.

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