Master Chief Workout

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About 3 years ago, I've started working on my body. Over the years I've managed to loose a lot of weight I collected once I had my first car, made money and didn't care about sport any more.
So after a consequent diet and the first steps in workout, I kinda hit a dead spot. I mean, there is this point were you are not able to move further without semi-professional plans on how to workout and how
to brake unhealthy habbits.
That's when I stumbled across
It's the perfect none profit community for gamers like me. (of course they got a service you can pay for, but hey, you get all the information you need to begin with for free.)
They actually manage to turn loosing weight and getting buffed into a real life game. And the best thing is: you don't need a gym-membership in order to follow their lead.
You begin with a basic "own body weight workout". Which basicly means, that you do a series of exercises like squads, push-ups and so on, in order to get you sweat.

I found a fun trainingsplan called "The Master Chief workout", I'd like to share with you. Maybe that's giving some of you some inspiration on a level beyond crafting. :)

Best wishes,



Neila Reiy said:
Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3, 5 or 7 times depending on your fitness level.

10-count push-up: is a slow push-up. Count to 5 as you lower yourself to the floor and count to 5 as you push yourself up.
10-count squat: squat and hold the position as you count to 10.

What it works: Quads, glutes, lower back, shoulders, triceps, core, chest, lower abs, front hip flexors, lateral abs, lower abs.

Tips: Make the elbow strike count. Exhale sharply as you come up and twist and take your elbow past the outside of the opposite knee.

Make it better: Perform cross climber taps from a legs wide apart position. This increases the load on your balancing arm, forces more of your core to kick-in and exaggerates the movement forcing more of your lower abs and front hip flexor to work.

Make it harder: Bring your squats and squat hold to exactly a 90 degree angle at the knees. This places the greatest amount of pressure on your quads.

Body types this can work for: This is a workout made for all you Mesomorphs who find it easy to put on muscle. It will help you get greater muscle density and functional strength. It will also help Ectomorphs needing to bulk up a little but you need to combine it with the right kind of nutrition. Endomorphs will find this is great for strength building and stability but as a plan to get lean, it has to be part of a longer strategy.

Perfect for: Laconic supersoldier types who feel most comfortable when sharing time (and secrets) with a female AI. Oh, and of course for anyone looking for a plain 'ol traditional fitness and functional strength orientated workout.


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Not quite in my area, but I bike to and from class (though, admittedly with some assistance up the hills here in NW PA). It's a good start to the day, and get's me focused. Plus, I get to see the nicer parts of campus. :)
Awesome conversation! I too have recently started working out again so that I fit better in my armor. It won't hurt that I'll fit better in my every day clothing as well, but the armor is definitely a bigger incentive. In 2008 I joined up with the 300DC Spartans - these are the guys that wear the Spartan costumes from the movie 300 and work UBER hard all year to look good in them. It seemed only natural to go back to them as I relearn good habits and get back in to fitness.

I'm starting out with a Beachbody program called PiYo which is basically a combination of Pilates and Yoga. I'm only on day 2 so far but I'm enjoying it. I can see how the stretching is really going to help. There are cardio components as well, but I haven't tried one of them just yet.

Anyone else?
Awesome conversation! I too have recently started working out again so that I fit better in my armor. It won't hurt that I'll fit better in my every day clothing as well, but the armor is definitely a bigger incentive. In 2008 I joined up with the 300DC Spartans - these are the guys that wear the Spartan costumes from the movie 300 and work UBER hard all year to look good in them. It seemed only natural to go back to them as I relearn good habits and get back in to fitness.

I'm starting out with a Beachbody program called PiYo which is basically a combination of Pilates and Yoga. I'm only on day 2 so far but I'm enjoying it. I can see how the stretching is really going to help. There are cardio components as well, but I haven't tried one of them just yet.

Anyone else?

Funny you bring up BeachBody. I'm doing T25 which is an amazing exercise program from BeachBody but this is something I could get in to. In the last 8 months of using T25, I have lost 50 lbs!!!. I need to loos a bit more in order to fit into my armor under-suit though. Its an old skydive suit from when I was 20 or so. I fit but it's a bit snug in the waste. Wife is a great cook!
I own that one as well. I'm a bit of a BeachBody collector....hahaha I completed P90X when I was with 300DC the first time so I'm a big believer in their programs and own a lot of them. I just don't think I'm at the T25 level just yet so I'm hoping a round of PiYo first will get all of the stiffness (aka feeling like an 80 year old woman) out of me and I'll be good to go for a round of T25. Who knows....mid next year maybe I'll be ready to tackle Insanity.

Congrats on the 50 pounds. That is totally amazing! It must feel SO good to see your hard work pay off like that. Totally inspiring....thanks for sharing!
How's everyone doing with this?

I've switched gears and have decided to start back with what is comfortable. P90X. Comfortable sounds like an odd word to choose to describe the program that will make it difficult for me to use multiple body parts on any given day, but I know the program well and I won't have to learn new stuff. I'll just be able to do it.

The plan was to start this morning. However, I couldn't find the discs last night. Of course I THOUGHT I knew where they were so I left it until I was getting ready for bed. ~sigh~ But I got up earlier this morning and did some of what I remembered from Day 1, Chest and Back. And then, thank goodness, I found them. So tomorrow morning is Day 1, Attempt 2. haha
I saw these! They actually arent half bad. I've been doing the assassins creed one on a regular basis.
Still doing my T25......have to be able to fit back in to my skydive suit which I'm using as my undersuit......
I was following a body weight training 5 years ago to make me fit again but I lacked the motivation to pull through.

But know I want to tackle that problem again, so thanks for the post!
I am getting I'll easy at the moment, probably doing some sports and activity will help once I got rid of this stupid cold.
Ichan, this thread has been dead for two years. Almost three. If a post is older than 3 or so months, please don't respond to them. It pushes active, current threads down.

Hope you get over your cold soon. Colds are the worst!
I'm trying to lose weight to join the navy, so my current work out is as follows.

Start with 15 minutes of stair climbers every day.

Monday- chest
Flat bench, incline bench, decline bench, cable flys. 100 reps each. Done is as few sets as possible. I'm currently working with 185 in weight for all for exercises. Total 400 reps.

Tuesday- back
Overhand lat pulldown, underhand pullups, close grip T-bar rows, wide grip cable rows. 100 reps each exercise. 185lbs for all for exercises. Total 400 reps.

Wednesday- legs
Lunges, squats, leg extensions, leg curls. 100 reps each. Total 400 reps.

Thursday- arms
Preacher curls, overhand barbell curls, hammer curls, Transition curls, single arm tricep extensions, underhand tricep extensions, dips, skull crushers. 4 exercises for bicep and 4 for tricep. Total 800 reps.

Friday- traps and delta
Side delt raises, front delt raises, rear delt raises, cable pulls, shrugs, farmer Carrys, neutral grip cable rows focusing on squeezing my traps. 100 reps each, 10 minutes for the farmer carry.

These workouts take forever to complete and for the few few weeks I couldnt even do all the reps, but it works.

Down 25lbs in 2 months. Need to lose another 24lbs to meet navy requirements.
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