Mcfarlane Guitar Hero Figures

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Jr Member
I went onto and saw this.
Guitar Hero Figures

Here are the pictures of them.

Johnny Napalm

Axel Steel

Lars Umlaut

God of Rock

I think this is getting to much for Guitar Hero. They have 6 games out right now, and have 2 more planned. :cautious:
i saw these on the site O_O its... odd. if theyre gonna do this they should make one of my friend richard XD he can play it on expert and walk away from the room :D no kidding
I was thinking when I saw these about a week ago, "Now, how are they going to do this?" I saw theem and thought, "Oh, that's how... :cautious: "

I think they should depend more time on the Halo series, or the new Call of Duty series.
Halo= kind of ownage
Guitar hero=fail

Really old, btw. Saw these about a few weeks ago. Guitar hero is way overhyped. They need to make way less games. i mean, They just made two games within a week. On tour is alright, aerosmith is alot like Rock the 80's.
Surprise surprise, McFarlane loves big franchises with lots of money to slather on their empty souls.

Did that sound bitter? Sorry. I got shot down for an opportunity to work there a few years back. I guess I haven't forgiven them.

Anyhow, You have to realize that toy companies like McFarlane just attach themselves to succesful entertainment properties to sell figures. Their work is great sculpturally... but the toys aren't very functional. Nevertheless they sell. You don't realize that the figures aren't made to last until you open them up... by that time they have your money. Enjoy!!!

I'm just bitter, nevermind me. :cautious:

Had my toy portfolio all impressive and professional and everything... wouldn't even return my emails... WITH a employee reference!

Come on.. Guitar Hero?? :oops: McFarlane..

An overrated game+action figures = a whole bunch of nothing.

Those figures are terrible, I would have expected more from them.

Couldn't they have at least chosen rock band ?
These don't look like they are very high quality, I could have expected better from Mcfarlane. Its too bad that they had to take Pandora out of GH3, she was my favorite character!
The quality is really bad. Mcfarlane didn't do a good job on these. If you look at the God of Rock eyes really closely, you can see that 1. He has no pupils 2. He's cross eyed. But I agree with Sean. The only reason they did this was to make a cheap product that breaks within 2 weeks (if your not careful) or that was a production malfunction (two right arms, missing a hand) over a highly popular game right now. Like I said in the first post, a little bit much for Guitar Hero.
I love all the games, because I am a music junkie, so yeah.

But these figures sucks more cherries than a prostitute in Las Vegas.
Was that a little explicit?
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