Megaupload in Trouble;7 people charged, including Founder

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Dani Girl

Jr Member
I don't get why they took the website down. All megaupload does is provide virtual space. Like any website that rents server space or website space. You can't keep an eye on everything. The people who used it for movies and sutch will move on to the next website available. it's a neverending story. And people who use it without "copyright infrigment" get punished for this to.
I read CNET that some sources said it was a timed event because SOPA is losing steam. The government is using this as an example and trying to send a message. Now anonymous just went on a nuclear strike of many websites, which give the government more reason to uphold the law and pass SOPA.
And people who use it without "copyright infrigment" get punished for this to.
This is why SOPA will kill the internet.
If you get into a car accident, do you revoke the license of the drunk driver, or do you force the car company to shut down? What about search engines? They index illegal content all the time (how do you think people find the illegal content). Will Google get shut down? Under SOPA, yes it can. Google owns Blogger, Youtube, and several other sites. Our avatars (unless we made them ourselves from our own content) are copyrighted material, which falls under SOPA. This is ridiculous. Sites like these have a report button. If they don't know what has been uploaded (especially with encrypted files), how do they know what they are hosting? The file hosting sites have security measures to prevent the spread of malware and copyrighted content, but with so many uploads, it is not feasible to check each one for infringement.

If your domain is reported, the dns will be blocked to the US before the investigation begins. They don't have to unblock the dns if you are found not guilty. If your web space is hosted on a shared host with an offending domain, your dns will be blocked. Is this making you feel uneasy? It should. The internet as we know it will be gone if SOPA becomes law. It doesn't just affect the US. The world will feel the fallout.
Read on reddit..

WT problem? Use SkyDrive, there's 25 GB for free for each of you.
And do not upload licensed content.

There'll still be people that will upload licenced material, no matter what. That's because they want to share the good cultural things, that they like, to people who eg. doesn't have enough money to buy a sample of it or watch it from the cinemas.
So when you look at SOPA, who is backing it up, other than members of congress? The mainstream media, the movie industry and the music industry.
If you want to boycott or blackout anyone, it needs to be them.
If these companies that are fighting against SOPA want to have any real effect, they need to stop servicing these three industries for a day and see how well they fare.
Honestly, Im appalled by horrific lack of control in the government today. The only reason this whole congressional crackdown on pirating started was because the entertainment industry decided to lobby the hell out of some bullcrap bills (SOPA/PIPA) in order to make itself even more money. If this country is going to ever regain control of congress, we HAVE to cut the crap, and entirely eliminate lobbying. If we can get big business out of our government, then we might just be able to pull this country back out of this metaphorical gutter we're in right now. I applaud Anonymous and their efforts to put a stop to this. For those of you not familiar, Anonymous is an affiliation of hackers that originated on and is headquartered on 4chan. They actually managed to take down the US department of Justice's website for over 12 hours! Just goes to show what happens when you mess with the internet.
not to mention all these people woh worked for theses websites are out of jobs how does it solve the economic issues and lack of jobs by laying off more people... i'm not gonna lie i watch **** on megavideo all the time and if i like the stuff then i go out and buy me it was sort of a retail system. if i pay for intenet connect and pay to be a member of a site so i can watch or check out theses shows then the goverment makes money still, it makes zero sense to me. to me its not Piratic if there is no profit... and these site that hold these videos and show it to the public for free get nothing, only from the members who have unlimted access
from belgium and megaupload is also blocked, so yes, if the site has something US (megaupload has a few servers there)
it's blocked everywere
hey, if i use 4shared to download a song, but im an Australian, would i be in big ass trouble?

No, SOPA is only going to be able to effect us here in the States. Land of the sort-of-free. And speaking of downloading music, did you know that if SOPA were enacted, if a person were to put a Micheal Jackson song up on a website such as 4shared, they could be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison. The going rate for killing Micheal Jackson? 4 years.

from belgium and megaupload is also blocked, so yes, if the site has something US (megaupload has a few servers there)
it's blocked everywere

The only reason that you cant access megaupload is because its headquartered in the US, so they took it down. Something like demonoid(a torrenting website headquartered in Europe) wouldnt be effected at all.
The only reason that you cant access megaupload is because its headquartered in the US, so they took it down. Something like demonoid(a torrenting website headquartered in Europe) wouldnt be effected at all.

that is not true, megaupload is headquartered in hong kong, but they have a few servers in the US
they have servers everywhere
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