Member Map is Down


405th Regiment Officer
The membership map is currently unavailable. I tried to view it, but all I get is a blank screen.
Nothing to do with that. The Member Map is a custom Plug In and sometimes it doesn't play well with the Forum Software when there is an update to one or the other.

That said it is currently working for me on Mobile with Google Chrome. What browser and format are you using, YTunz ?
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Nothing to do with that. The Member Map is a custom Plug In and sometimes it doesn't play well with the Forum Software when there is an update to one or the other.

That said it is currently working for me on Mobile with Google Chrome. What browser and format are you using, YTunz ?

Looks like Chrome on my Mac didn't want to play along. Just tested on my Windows Desktop and its working fine now. Might just be a weird thing with chrome updates.
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