Member Of The Month November

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There are so many wonderful people here on the 405th, it makes it hard to nominate just one person

But for this month I nominate bevbor!!!!!!!

He is always extremely helpful and and friendly.

Bevbor gives a lot to the 405th and the all the 405th members.

If anyone deserves recognition for their outstanding actions this month its bevbor. ;)
2 More Days Left before I choose the Members Of The Month, if anyone would like to nominate someone now is the time.
steveperv He has helped me alot and he really cool and nice. He has also helpother members as well.
I pick the two lucky people tomarrow. Is there anyone that would like to start a Member Of The Month For December?
This has been one of the more challenging choices I've had to make, so I let a random choice help me. I wrote down all the names on paper and put them into a hat, jumbled it up and picked two names.
Charlieiscool12- Pistol
Xhimpei- Game and Poster
Congratulations to the Members Of The Month.
Congratulations guys. :)

I really enjoyed this, and I hope it can continue. When I get some of my prop supply built up, I will be more than happy to donate to this.

JK, congrats!!!


  • serious_cat_yay.jpg
    82.1 KB · Views: 192
Congratulations to both of you :)

Let me throw in some (large!) party-lolcatz to celebrate the day:



  • thispartysg128436959995731250.jpg
    59.4 KB · Views: 194
Congradulations, guys. In the future I would also be willing to donate some props, I just need to make them first.
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