Meshmixer and Armorsmith


New Member
I am starting my journey into creating my first Halo Costume. I've jumped into armorsmith and created my avatar and have already started importing some pieces, resizing etc. I was watching this wonderful video:

I got stuck though on the meshmixer step and combining pieces together. I am using the galactic foundry halo infinite files. In the video, they just import the separate files and they magically stick together. Meanwhile, when I try to do that, the pieces are apart and not connected at all. Like trying to get the left/right chest and front/back chest all together. Then I can scale them all at once in armorsmith. I don't know if I am importing incorrectly, or if there is a way to get the pieces to snap together. I can move them in all 3 axis, but then I don't know if they are connected correctly or slightly overlapping etc.

Any help is appreciated!
just a note im not sure if it ever got fixed but the chest parts are off some they dont line up after being printed the front is a hair smaller then the back or not curved right to match the back. but if i remember right there should be in the files you got just the front and back of the chest if you have the file itdoes have the chest all cut up for small printers but use the other file for sizing and then you can cut it in meshmixer to fit your machine and if you have trouble with that just let me know and i will help you cut it up to fit your machine.
I am starting my journey into creating my first Halo Costume. I've jumped into armorsmith and created my avatar and have already started importing some pieces, resizing etc. I was watching this wonderful video:

I got stuck though on the meshmixer step and combining pieces together. I am using the galactic foundry halo infinite files. In the video, they just import the separate files and they magically stick together. Meanwhile, when I try to do that, the pieces are apart and not connected at all. Like trying to get the left/right chest and front/back chest all together. Then I can scale them all at once in armorsmith. I don't know if I am importing incorrectly, or if there is a way to get the pieces to snap together. I can move them in all 3 axis, but then I don't know if they are connected correctly or slightly overlapping etc.

Any help is appreciated!
I am going to do the same and wanted to know how it was going?
If the problem you are having is when you import the 3D files, they do not align to each other instantly, the likely reason is origin points.

3D models contain an origin paint that basically indicates the position and rotation of a 3D model. These origin points aren't physically part of the mesh, it's just a reference point. Some 3D programs ignore them when importing, though most follow it. When a mesh "snaps together" on import, the origin point for all pieces are consistantly in one location (typically a "0,0,0" point in space, AKA the World Origin). This screenshot below shows all cubes sharing an origin point (the orange dot where the green and red lines intersect).

But in this case, the origin point changes for each piece, possibly to the center of geometry, like below. This means things won't line up instantly when importing, as it will be placing each model's origin on the 0,0,0 mark.
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