MK IV Gen2 Custom buikd


New Member
Alright! Thought I'd start a build log here as I'm working on repairing/upgrading my MK IV armor. I've got a custom set, mostly 3d printed some foam and I'll be going over my processes for how I made it.

Some unique notes of my armor:
1. Integrated Alexa unit
2. Opening chest plate
3. Electronic antenna (coming soon)
4. Impact tough

I usually 3d print most of my plates, and I've been dialing in my settings. The printer always seems to work the best when I'm printing someone else's stuff and messes up on my own lol but we are getting there. I'll attach a couple glamor shots to this first post and then I'll break down the armor as I go!


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Alright! Thought I'd start a build log here as I'm working on repairing/upgrading my MK IV armor. I've got a custom set, mostly 3d printed some foam and I'll be going over my processes for how I made it.

Some unique notes of my armor:
1. Integrated Alexa unit
2. Opening chest plate
3. Electronic antenna (coming soon)
4. Impact tough

I usually 3d print most of my plates, and I've been dialing in my settings. The printer always seems to work the best when I'm printing someone else's stuff and messes up on my own lol but we are getting there. I'll attach a couple glamor shots to this first post and then I'll break down the armor as I go!
Alright so the part I'm working on mastering now is my back panel. I've been making it out of foam for a while, this allows me to put electronics in the back without pulling the chest plate up into my neck. It also means I can be less carefull when I sit back against stuff. My pepakura to foam crafting is not always the best but I find that since it's in the back it's not as important!

Next I'll be working to integrate panels and other storage options into my back panel. This will be where I store my new cooling system as well.


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Images of all the printed parts put together. I will take these: 1.coat the insides with a two part plastic. 2. Spray them with 2 base coats of plasti dip 3. A thick coat of truck bed liner 4. Then paint. My method ensures High durability while simultaneously requiring little to no sanding. Some ridges will need to be filled with wood filler. But I'd say I can complete 85% of the 3d printed parts without sanding.


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The helmet is 3D printed. I've taken quite a liking to Titlewave designs models. Though The "model grouping" and "3d print compatibility" required some tweaking. The files are incredibly detailed and I opted for 15% infill with 0.2 layer height. I used my usual method of 2 part plastic, plasti dip and truck bed liner to finish these off. The helmet includes a set of Fans, LED side lights, and the microphone for my voice Amp. In the future I'd like to model my own helmet but for now it's come out as a beautiful piece that always captures the stoic spartan gaze.


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Hey man, your suit looks killer! I too am using the TitlewaveDesigns models but im having an irrationally hard time with the undersuit. Yours looks like what my end goal would want to be so I was wondering if you could share some light on how you did your undersuit?
Hey man, your suit looks killer! I too am using the TitlewaveDesigns models but im having an irrationally hard time with the undersuit. Yours looks like what my end goal would want to be so I was wondering if you could share some light on how you did your undersuit?
Absolutely! So I'll post text here first and them pics later. My undersuit is 3 parts: my top is an Armored motorcycle jacket with hex foam glued to the belly pads. Motorcycle jeans for the pants. And I do a layer of fabric wrapped eva foam underneath the chest plate.
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