Monthly Cosplay Skills Webinar Series


405th Regiment Officer
Stream Team
Member DIN
Hello everyone!

I would like to put together a monthly series of panel discussions that give folks an opportunity to showcase their skills and help expand the skill sets of our community members.

In terms of presentation style, I would like these to be planned in advance (instead of just getting up there and making things up) possibly using PowerPoint, or at the very least an outline and a planned activity so that we're making the most effective use of the time (I'm thinking one hour).

To start off, if you have a skill you would like to teach, please drop a comment in this thread. I'll put together a Google form soon, but I would like to know who's interested. I would like approximately 2-3 people per panel. If you need help finding others with your chosen specialty I will be happy to help match people up.

I think this will be a great opportunity to expand our collective knowledge and build community.



Google form for idea submission will be here
This looks like it would be a lot of fun.

I would be more than happy to be part of a Foam Prop (or foam primary) panel. I have specialized in Polystyrene and EVA Foam props.

basically, go from this:
to this:
im no pro at anything but i would be willing to share what i know about 3d printing and painting/weathering but i also would like to learn some new stuff this could be really helpful to a lot of people.... im in
As someone who is currently involved with this very idea for another discord server (Arty if you see this... Hi).

These panels have been a hit. We've covered quite a few topics in ours (including a guest or two y'all might know) with a ton more for 2025. We've also learned a lot about doing them in the process. We use the stage feature in Discord because people who come/go in it don't make the normal join/leave noises and everyone is muted by default and must either be invited to speak or ask to speak and be approved by a mod.

So, would I be interested in attending one/some of these? Yes.
As for teaching a skill or anything I don't think I have anything I could teach that isn't already taught by someone more skilled and/or better equipped to give a presentation.
JadePhoenix I'm glad to hear that it's been a success for you; that gives me hope that ours will be as well. Seems like a great way to build our collective knowledge and encourage folks to try some new materials and techniques for their builds.

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