Montreal Gang: current and future members

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Active Member
This year has been very active in Montreal, with new and old Halo cosplayers getting together for convention appearances. With con season being over, we're very excited for 2020 and having members work their way into the regiment! We have big plans for 2020 and can't wait to share them with everyone.

Regiment Members:
- CyberBen
- Felipe06
- Zachary
- Chooka

Soon to be members!
- Agenthysteria
- WZProps
- valkyrjacosplay
- SpartanOli

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Nice to see we'll be a bunch of new Halo characters this year ! I introduced my friend into the hobby and he's currently making a ODST build. For my part, I started a H:Reach spartan.

I'll try to make it for Comic Con, depending on how my career is treating me lol.

Make sure to post some progress! Hopefully you can join in the fun this year :)
Got good news and bad news. Good news is D3LTA has made it in the Canadian Regiment!
Kyle has a lot of projects coming up in the next year and we're really excited to them come to life!

"took you long enough" ;) :lol:

Bad news is Montreal Comiccon has been cancelled this year due to Covid-19. Booooooooooooo
Spoilers for those who didn't know, the 405th was going to have a booth this year :cry: It was supposed to be a surprise for the end of the month with an official announcement from the event, but now that's not happening. We'll just have to put double the effort next year for both HOD and MTLCC ;)
So that pandemic huh? What a drag! While the MTL peeps, and the rest of the world, deal with it, we try to not let it slow us down! Some new developments have happened, including our new member Ryan, also known as Chooka ! We look forward to working with him and trooping together when things get back to normal :)
We have other surprises in stock for the new year, and we look forward to sharing it!
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