More complete Introduction


New Member

Hello every one.​

New member here

So i feel like the introduction every one does in the "introduce yourself" tread is great for a quick introduction, but i want to do a more in depth one, so here it goes.

My Nickname is Arkhon, i was born in 1992, and im from Portugal.
I started doing building props around 2016 when i encountered AndrewDTF's videos with templates. First thing i made was a TitanFall helmet with spare eva foam mats " almost every piece was a different color XD", after the second attempt a fully wearable helmet was made and the dream was awakened. For a long time i saw people doing cosplay but had no ideia how or where to start, where to get the materials or even what materials to get, but i got to say AndrewDFT's video where like a heaven's signal. After that i just kept following tutorials on weapons witch was a lot of fun.
A few moth's went by and after "unlocking" some skill's while practicing i decided to try my hand at a full suit, since i was already very well familiar with "you guess's it" AndrewDFT's video's i made an ODST from his templates while adding some of my touches and modifying some parts to be a bit more accurate. That was when my first ever complete cosplay was born in 2017.
Later that year i whent to my first ever CON. The experience of cosplaying and going to a con was amazing, and got me hooked on the hole experience.
A few year's later i had to move and unfortunately had to leave my suit behind. In turn it gave me the opportunity to make a new and improved version.


After that went to 2 more con's with the new suit that where pretty cool, although due to the con's new place being out in the open in summer heat, i got my ass kicked by all the armor making me hotter than an oven XD
My last cosplay was made in 202, it was a dark souls armor set, since i wanted to try something a bit more medieval style.


Other than cosplay suits i like to tinker with my 3D printer's to make lot's of stuff, from everyday fixes to game prop's or even helmet's ( still working on the helmets).
Do like to build gunpla as well. And gaming a LOT.
And that is a sum of my cosplay history, about 7 years sumed as of 2024.
Im leaving my instagram, though i haven't been very active

Not completly sure witch cosplay to build next, a bit indecisi between a destiny 2 guardian ( hunter) or a halo Spartan
though one of my objectives in my cosplay carrier is to be an active and deployed member of the 405th, have known about the community ever since i started my first cosplay but i figured this is the year i start my journey to try and wave a 405th banner proudly.

BTW any one from Portugal here :D ?
Hi Arkhon

The progress from your ODSTs (which were very good) to the Dark Souls suit is super impressive!

I’m sure there’s members from Portugal here, though I’m not sure of any off the top of my head.

Look forward to whatever you build next!
Incredible work on that first ODST cosplay. I made a suit using the same AndrewDFT guide about a year after you did and mine was so much worse looking. Also, Halo and Dark Souls is superb taste in video games.
Hi Arkhon

The progress from your ODSTs (which were very good) to the Dark Souls suit is super impressive!

I’m sure there’s members from Portugal here, though I’m not sure of any off the top of my head.

Look forward to whatever you build next!
Ty for the feed back, i try my best with all my cosplay's and is great when other people like it

Right now i'm working on a halo helmet, it was 3d printed in small pieces since my printer is small, and it was lying around in pieces for ages cuz i was to lazy to glue them all together. maybe il make a post about the progress since it's finaly all glued
Incredible work on that first ODST cosplay. I made a suit using the same AndrewDFT guide about a year after you did and mine was so much worse looking. Also, Halo and Dark Souls is superb taste in video games.
Thank you, for my first suit i made like 5 helmet's learning from all of them and making small adjustments to make them a bit better.
Paint on your Faraam Knight is crazy
Thank you. It took me ages to get a good technique for metal like paint on foam. For now my favorite method is glossy black from a rattle can and then allclad crome with an airbrush, after that just seal with a good flexible varnish.
Thank you. It took me ages to get a good technique for metal like paint on foam. For now my favorite method is glossy black from a rattle can and then allclad crome with an airbrush, after that just seal with a good flexible varnish.
Yeah I wanted to try gloss black and graphite powder. Tried it on a Star Wars Revan mask and it ended up looking great, mirror finish. I dunno how durable it is though. That Spazstix chrome is also the shiniest chrome I've seen.
But your armor lools like real metal and the airbrushing paint and weathering on the shield looks amazing.
Nice job on your ODSTs too!

Hello every one.​

New member here

So i feel like the introduction every one does in the "introduce yourself" tread is great for a quick introduction, but i want to do a more in depth one, so here it goes.

My Nickname is Arkhon, i was born in 1992, and im from Portugal.
I started doing building props around 2016 when i encountered AndrewDTF's videos with templates. First thing i made was a TitanFall helmet with spare eva foam mats " almost every piece was a different color XD", after the second attempt a fully wearable helmet was made and the dream was awakened. For a long time i saw people doing cosplay but had no ideia how or where to start, where to get the materials or even what materials to get, but i got to say AndrewDFT's video where like a heaven's signal. After that i just kept following tutorials on weapons witch was a lot of fun.
A few moth's went by and after "unlocking" some skill's while practicing i decided to try my hand at a full suit, since i was already very well familiar with "you guess's it" AndrewDFT's video's i made an ODST from his templates while adding some of my touches and modifying some parts to be a bit more accurate. That was when my first ever complete cosplay was born in 2017.
Later that year i whent to my first ever CON. The experience of cosplaying and going to a con was amazing, and got me hooked on the hole experience.
A few year's later i had to move and unfortunately had to leave my suit behind. In turn it gave me the opportunity to make a new and improved version.

After that went to 2 more con's with the new suit that where pretty cool, although due to the con's new place being out in the open in summer heat, i got my ass kicked by all the armor making me hotter than an oven XD
My last cosplay was made in 202, it was a dark souls armor set, since i wanted to try something a bit more medieval style.

Other than cosplay suits i like to tinker with my 3D printer's to make lot's of stuff, from everyday fixes to game prop's or even helmet's ( still working on the helmets).
Do like to build gunpla as well. And gaming a LOT.
And that is a sum of my cosplay history, about 7 years sumed as of 2024.
Im leaving my instagram, though i haven't been very active

Not completly sure witch cosplay to build next, a bit indecisi between a destiny 2 guardian ( hunter) or a halo Spartan
though one of my objectives in my cosplay carrier is to be an active and deployed member of the 405th, have known about the community ever since i started my first cosplay but i figured this is the year i start my journey to try and wave a 405th banner proudly.

BTW any one from Portugal here :D ?
Love the ODST armor and photos! I’m also an ODST cosplayer living here in Portugal. We need to link up and represent the 405th here. I only saw two other people at Comic Con PT this year that were in any type of Halo cosplay. I just recently applied to become a member of the European Regiment and once that is official I plan to submit for deployment.
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