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alright! The armor is done and ready for the con next week!

The armor has really come a long way in just 2 years and I am very proud of the improvements.

Every single piece of armor has either been replaced or modified in some way since 2022. and here is a quick look at the progress over the last couple of years.

Throughout this process, I had briefly considered trying to get a tier 3 deployment status. but due to the nature of my build, I could only be eligible for a tier 1. (being a multi-generation "mash-up" it is not eligible for anything above tier 1) So maybe someday in the future I may build the remaining MK VI Gen 3 parts to pursue a Tier 3. but for now. this is where the armor will rest for a while.

Look forward to continued progress on my 3d printed MK IV helmet and its progress.

And at some point in the future my rebuild of the torso into a multi-generation variant.

Anyway on to the pictures.

From left to right: 2 years ago, last year, last night.


I don't really have any other updates for you guys so enjoy some pictures!


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