my first major undertaking - pepakura unfolding - Infinite MKVI G3 (finished)


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Member DIN
First off I am going to start with, that unless express permission is given to me I will not release the result of this endeavor.

MoeSizzlac I am wanting to create a Pepakura unfold of your Halo Infinite Torso. And I know that doing so will require a not insignificant amount of model manipulation given the absolutely massive number of triangles. Secondly, as the Model is your creation I wanted to have your approval to release the Unfold after I am done.

I will do my best to document my progress here and if permission is given I will also stick the completed file here as well.

Here goes nothing!

Sticky for file: pending...

Sticky for Foam version: pending...
so the first update is fairly easy.

I have removed the unwanted interior fill required for 3d printing and am left with just the exterior faces.
delete insides.PNG

I also decided to make the ab plate strictly a foam template for mobility's sake.

I then was left with the unfathomable tasks of the original mesh. (453,663 remaining triangles)
Which is far too unreasonable for pepakura to manage.
original mesh2.PNG
original mesh.PNG

So it is time to Decimate some triangles.
a few minutes in Blender and I have two significantly more reasonable files to work with.
First up is what I am calling the high-detail version, which is just 10% of the original mesh.
Hi detail version2.PNG
Hi detail version.PNG

Then the Medium detail version at just 5% of the original mesh:
Med detail version2.PNG
Med detail version.PNG

I think I am going to try working with the Medium detail version first and see what kind of end result the Pepakura model results with.

But this is the progress for now!
so the first update is fairly easy.

I have removed the unwanted interior fill required for 3d printing and am left with just the exterior faces.
View attachment 354476

I also decided to make the ab plate strictly a foam template for mobility's sake.

I then was left with the unfathomable tasks of the original mesh. (453,663 remaining triangles)
Which is far too unreasonable for pepakura to manage.
View attachment 354482
View attachment 354481

So it is time to Decimate some triangles.
a few minutes in Blender and I have two significantly more reasonable files to work with.
First up is what I am calling the high-detail version, which is just 10% of the original mesh.
View attachment 354478
View attachment 354477

Then the Medium detail version at just 5% of the original mesh:
View attachment 354480
View attachment 354479

I think I am going to try working with the Medium detail version first and see what kind of end result the Pepakura model results with.

But this is the progress for now!
If you are looking for the basic model without subdivision, I would use this:


  • MoeSizzlac - Halo Infinite - Master Chief - Chest 2.stl
    297.5 KB · Views: 46
  • MoeSizzlac - Halo Infinite - Master Chief - Chest 1.stl
    8.3 KB · Views: 49
  • MoeSizzlac - Halo Infinite - Master Chief - Chest 3.stl
    18.1 KB · Views: 52
If you are looking for the basic model without subdivision, I would use this:
that is wonderfully helpful!

It will save me a great deal of trouble with the simplification I would still need to do with the model I had been working with!
with the files from MoeSizzlac. I have made quite a bit of progress on the unfold.

I have been working through as much optimization as I can before the actual unfold process can begin.

I am about 1/3 of the way through marking and defining where major cut lines on the unfold should be. (orange lines are defined cut lines)

It is going pretty smooth so far but I know it will slow to a crawl over the holidays. so this is probably where it will sit for a while.

cut lines 1.PNG
cut lines 2.PNG
Lots of progress today!

Down to the nitty gritty though.

I have finished the main mock-out and am working on cleaning the unfold.

The original auto unfold has generated 72 pages for the model.

So I have quite a bit of refinement to do.

unfold 1.PNG

After a couple more hours my hands are tired and I am calling it a day.

I Have about 1/3 or so sorted and properly organized. as well as the majority of the tiny pieces properly connected to a larger piece for ease of construction.

We will see how I feel tomorrow, but if I am very (very) productive I should be able to upload the completed unfold tomorrow.

organized unfold 1.PNG
organized unfold 2.PNG
Last edited:
Alright! It is done!

This model does not contain some details (vent panels, under torso plate, and some back details) but is completely unfolded. It fits very neatly in 36 pages at the default scale.

I tried to set a base scale that should be a balanced middle ground for scaling purposes. (H 430mm W 421mm D373mm) Scaled slightly down from my MK VI Torso using a 438mm Width measurement.

I have also attached the finished unfold so it should be good to go as well.

MoeSizzlac Thank you again for the reduced face model, as that greatly sped up this process. I have included Model credits in the unfold.

Have a feast on this:
organized unfold 5.PNG


  • Halo Infinite -MK VI G3 - Chest.pdo
    2.3 MB · Views: 22
Unfolding anything is quite an undertaking, but is rewarding in the end. I love the fact that you took the time sorted everything within the pages
Alright! It is done!

This model does not contain some details (vent panels, under torso plate, and some back details) but is completely unfolded. It fits very neatly in 36 pages at the default scale.

I tried to set a base scale that should be a balanced middle ground for scaling purposes. (H 430mm W 421mm D373mm) Scaled slightly down from my MK VI Torso using a 438mm Width measurement.

I have also attached the finished unfold so it should be good to go as well.

MoeSizzlac Thank you again for the reduced face model, as that greatly sped up this process. I have included Model credits in the unfold.

Have a feast on this:
View attachment 357744
That is a job well done! Truly awesome and extremely tedious work.

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