My Own Mjolnir Armor Designs

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Trying to get my skills up to snuff to do concepts I decided to make my own MJOLNIR designs, Most are a mix of Mrk V and VI armor. But mostly for testing my abilities to come up with some armor. Hopefully they turn out right.


Tesla Permutation


Able Permutation - (WIP be finished soon) for the big guys!

More to be added (Maybe 10+)
The Helmet looks like the Halo Wars beta Spartan helmet, but overall really good! The tesla perm looks pretty good, but needs more electricity and tesla coils like the Enclave tesla armor from Fallout 3. Keep up the awesome work!!
The armor has to look similar to previous models yes, Pep Files? I wish, if someone is willing to make a pep file I would make a model concept so they would know what it would look like at all angles.

Tesla is more of a name that similar to what the suit does, I might make some action shots of each armor piece in the future so if the Tesla was shown it would be taking a Fuel Rod shot head on with an oversized shield (something like the overshield)

The Able is a power house armor, able to take on a hunter and lift them so a scene of a spartan squatting even a shadow troop carrier is a realization for the armor. But has a depleted shield power almost 30% of a normal Mark VI armor.
hey doesn't having a depleated sheild kinda defeat the name tesla? because tesla originally made his inventions to protect the operators of a vessel... any way if you make me an all angles shot of the helmet i will at least do that if not more.
Tesla has over 500% power to the shields but is extremely slow, while the Able armor is extremely strong but 30% shields.
SPARTAN-089 said:
Tesla has over 500% power to the shields but is extremely slow, while the Able armor is extremely strong but 30% shields.

oh im sorry i thought the depleated shield was tesla ok your kosher. ;) how long you think till you can get a 360 view?
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SPARTAN-089 said:
After I finish a few projects and such, Do you just want the helmet? Or both shoulders and chest piece.

ok um just the helmet for now but i will see if i have time to do more thanks alot!
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Those are pretty awesome. If somebody would build them, and you could get me back side and front views, I'd take a shot at modeling a piece.

Thanks, with my senior project overwith I can work on Clairvoyance more, within the next month or so I'll make some schematics for them.
(is 11 days necro?)

these perms look awsome.

personally i love the ABLE perm, but could i see it drawn without the bandolier?

i'd like to see more of the fine details on the front - especially that obscured box/panel on the front

Oh sorry for not noticing it, Yeah the ABLE is going to lose the bandolier since it weighs around 40lbs. Need a bit of a jolt in my nerves to start drawing the armor again.... lol
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