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Hey guys I just started working on a new set of Mjolnir to wear to the con this year because I didn’t really like how my last attempt came out. This time I opted to go the Mark IV route using galacticarmorys file set and I thought I make a thread to document the process and the progress along the way. So far, I have printed half of the cod piece, the torso, and am in the process of printing the shoulders and arms as we speak. I the only piece I have started to assemble so far is the torso which I plan to use some 2” nylon straps with some nice metal quick connect latches attached to with Chicago screws across to join the front to the back via the right and left strap pieces an idea which I borrowed from BHE Photos per the pointers he shared.  I am planning to work on attaching the nylon straps tomorrow and am waiting to join the back plate to the thrusters until after the screws for the straps have been installed. Pictured is the progress on the torso so far as well as my first attempt at Mjolnir Mark VII which I finished in 2022 and wore to meet Steve and Jen that same year.

I will continue to update and add to this thread with more pictures and how I end up assembling/rigging everything as I go!


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