My Spartan Spartan Debut

Hey everyone! Long time no talk but rest assured my creative endeavors have never stopped! I have just been way more active on my instagram platform. I recently transformed my hayabusa suit into this Spartan-Spartan for an event. I made this helmet inspired by both Recon and Achilles. Shoulders are from H4 and I wanted to keep the weapons human based. All Eva foam! My halo infinite skewer is also up for grabs so if anyone knows someone who would be interested please let me know!


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This thread might fit better in the Marketplace.

It also might be helpful for people interested to know, What size this suit fits, what price range you're looking for everything, and if youre willing to ship anything or if its for local pick up only.
Would totally be interested in the spear and shield if I had the extra funds right now if I'm honest.
This thread might fit better in the Marketplace.

It also might be helpful for people interested to know, What size this suit fits, what price range you're looking for everything, and if youre willing to ship anything or if its for local pick up only.
only the skewer is available. Thank you for informing me about the marketplace! I did not know about that
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