NCR Trooper Uniform/Propaganda


New Member
I don't know if you're familiar with "The Stupendium," but they have a song that gives me big Fallout/Corporate apocalypse vibes. Your posters give me the same vibe (which I hope is what you were going for, considering that it's a NCR trooper).

Just in case you're not familiar, check out this one. It's actually based on The Outer Worlds video games.
I had no idea this existed, but I'll be sure to check it out! Though the fact that others can relate it to something else they like is exactly what I'm going for, my goal is to make something for all!
I had no idea this existed, but I'll be sure to check it out! Though the fact that others can relate it to something else they like is exactly what I'm going for, my goal is to make something for all!
You did great! I'm really excited to see what other things you come up with.

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