Need help renting for a day


New Member
Not sure if this is the right place, but Reddit sent me here. I just found out my best friend since childhood has inoperable brain cancer, and realistically doesn't have much time. From the games, books, and soundtracks, halo has been one of the things that always bonded us. I had the idea of surprising him as master chief in the hospital, so I was wondering if anyone in the San Francisco area is able to rent out a master chief costume?
So, we are a Halo costume and prop making community whose primary focus is teaching others how to build and wear their own Halo Universe costumes. We do partner with MS, Halo Studios, Conventions, and Charities for appearances, but as an Organization we do not sell or rent our costumes and props.

Our members make their own costumes, so for one thing the costume is going to scaled, sized, and fitted to the creator and most times won't be easily or comfortably worn by someone else. Also, as they are someone's personal creation that they have sunk blood, sweat, and tears into, most members are not comfortable with someone wearing their costume, especially out of their supervision.

That said, our members do volunteer their time to make appearances, at no charge, for events. It is possible we could find a member or members in or near the San Francisco area who could work with you and the Hospital* to make an appearance.

SubXzeroXhero would be the person in our Pacific Regiment who would be the person to talk to about organizing a potential event.

*As someone who has participated in and organized Children's Hospital Appearances for this and other Costuming Communities in the past, you really need the Hospital to be on board and approve of all Character appearances. Sometimes they have special requirements in regards to disinfecting the costumes, limits on materials, and approvals from thier security team.
I can certainly reach out and ask our California battalion if anyone lives or is near the San Francisco area who may be able to support. As Cadet said there are some hoops that need to be jumped through when it comes to visiting children's hospitals but it just requires coordination. I know disinfecting costumes is a BIG part of the process having done a few of them.
Update: we may have one member near that area, still got to track some things down but it might be a viable option. As we had mentioned before though we would need a green light from the hospital first before we can make any moves.
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