Need help with ODST visor mirror surface


New Member
I need to find a way to apply some sort of mirror to an ODST visor so i can see through it, and have it look good like the real thing on the outside. I have no idea on how to do this and would like some help. I have a plastic visor, and its clear so if everything doesnt work its still okay because i have the clear visor, but none the less i still want help.
While I haven't personally done it, I've seen various posts where they use sheets of this material;

and cut out specific parts to glue onto the visor. For ODST visors, it's two separate parts, so I'm pretty sure you glue on the reflective sheets on both parts, then assemble the visor.

Visor part starts at 12:30, I hope this helps! (I'm also pretty sure there'll be other methods, this is just the one I know of)
Here's some other threads too, can't ever have too much information!


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