Need Players For Vidmaster Challenges

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Well-Known Member
I've tried contacting people through LIVE with no success. I've attempted the Vidmaster Annual approximatly 8 times. The ONLY reason I have not gotten the achievement is due to the fact that people in my group,every time, decided to quit out. They have quit out 5 times just litterally before the cutscene where you jump onto the ship.

I need 3 others that will not bow out early. I am aiming to start this at approximatly 10PM Eastern standard time TONIGHT. Please LMK if you are able and willing to devote at least an hour to completing this. Thank you


tubachris85x said:
I've tried contacting people through LIVE with no success. I've attempted the Vidmaster Annual approximatly 8 times. The ONLY reason I have not gotten the achievement is due to the fact that people in my group,every time, decided to quit out. They have quit out 5 times just litterally before the cutscene where you jump onto the ship.

I need 3 others that will not bow out early. I am aiming to start this at approximatly 10PM Eastern standard time TONIGHT. Please LMK if you are able and willing to devote at least an hour to completing this. Thank you



DUDE this is awesome i need help with the same achievment i will add you shortly my gamer tag is AIEX CHIEF
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GiR3892 said:
DUDE this is awesome i need help with the same achievment i will add you shortly my gamer tag is AIEX CHIEF

Cool, thanks! Thats one, I need two more
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although i cannot do it tonight i can only start either now or very soon (me being australian)
diaryboy said:
i'll be happy to help, even though i got it already! :eek

My gamertag is XxBlueFangxX

Cool..would you be willing to do it in a couple of mins?
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I need the achievments too and Id LOVE to help, but it probably wont be tonight cause i have soccer :( Im going to try to get on tonight so add me and send me a message

gt: winged rising
yeh i can only play NOW because i am goin to my fathers to maybe resin my recon and do some stuff on chest piece other stuff for my mk6
GiR3892 said:
yeh i can only play NOW because i am goin to my fathers to maybe resin my recon and do some stuff on chest piece other stuff for my mk6

Im on right now, just sent a friend request
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tubachris85x said:
Cool..would you be willing to do it in a couple of mins?


i can't, he's using the mythic disk, he lent out the original H3 to my older brother! D:
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this is for halo 3 or odst? either way i can do either it if it's still at YOUR 10pm (which is my 9pm) ^^

names Crescent Snow
Yeah I'm in too, I'm up for the original time of 10PM eastern standard. I'll be online, if I don't get an invite in the first half hour I'm going offline. Sorry if I die! haha (this is for the original vidmaster, the one where you finish Halo 3 on legendary with Iron right?)

I'm up for it, add me at username:


I just finished the achievement with a few other members. For those that still need it, I can help you guys out around 11PM or just after. I'm going out for a few.

Well, I'll be online at 11PM EST for those that still want to shoot for this achievement if tubachris is still in.
i can offialy say "I HAZ RECONZ" woooo i am so excited that i have it thank you tubachris and everyone else on XBL hope you have fun with yours
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