New here, love the tutorials! Any help with cod piece?


New Member
I am new here, I am loving the tutorials. I am have been printing my son the full Halo Infinite suit from Galactic Armory, I think I have a pretty good tutorial saved for the majority of the armor and setting up the straps, but I am having trouble finding anything to recommend how to secure the cod piece, I was thinking a gun belt might be best but I am not sure how to go about attaching it. does anyone have any recommendations or a good tutorial? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
That could honestly work out really well and make getting suited up a lot easier with the waist being the last thing to put on. I think a good way to attach the pieces to the belt is molle straps on the back side of the of the cod pieces.
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A big part of that decision is going to be how your belt is designed. If its a bunch of small foam parts is going to mean a different approach than if its 3d printed in a front/back split, or if its back/cod/front-left/front-right. ODST versus Spartan belts is quite a lot of difference. MK-IV models by "blahblabh" are going to be a lot different than MK-VI models by "wonkwonk". Every modeler and every suit iteration is different.

For me: Mine is somewhat front/back with overlapping velcro at each hip. I can open the velcro on one side and the other side becomes a hinge and the whole thing sort of clam-shells around my waist.

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