New Weapon And Helmet Display Option

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Well after a conversation with a friend last weekend and after seeing pics of his godly predator displays I decided to create one for myself with a mix of oldworld and Halo looks and a pinch of Privateer styling LOL.

I started with a sheet of 1/4" masonite and some random bits of wood and PVC pipe and fittings.


I used half the sheet for the base and framed it with 1X3 pine furring strips then cut the other half sheet into 4" strips and glued/nailed them into the raised frame sections.


I then spread a thin coat of body filler over the seams to fill in the gaps and nailholes.


After sanding it all smooth I used wood furniture plugs to give the look of rivets I know in 2530 or whatever era this is representing hull plates are welded not riveted but I guess I have a little SP in my designing lol. A quick coat of flat black and a coat of anidized bronze spraypaint I started stenciling and weathering with my usual black and rust washes.




After installing the PVC hooks for the helmets here is the final result now to make a couple for weapons.


That looks sick. If I ever get to the point where I have multiple helmets to display, I'll absolutely put something like this together.
I love it Privateer! Its even better than I pictured after we talked about it! Now how do I get one for my workshop. LOL
Already working on buyng one of these Absolutely beautiful as usual.

PS nice
Thanks for the compliments! The recon is soon to go under some clay for better details and Ill probally mould it at some point here are a few pics. And that busa was lifted from some guys garage while they werent looking but it was this really sissy pink color ROFLCOPTER.




dude that display is f******* SICK... great work Charlie... is there anything that you cant do?

i think the rivets really set it off... i have a feeling that rivets would probably still be used in the future...

just a little criticism, you should move the pvc hooks down, towards the bottom... this way the helmets are centered.
Wow this is really nice... are you planning to make a display for weapons or other armor parts?

the only problem I see is that your hooks are a little to high and your helmet don't end up in the middle of the "square"

Very nice
p0rtalman must now do this!
He is also referring to himself in third person... XD

As Sean Bradly once said, Awesomesauce!
This is an awesome project! Expect to see more of these showing up on the boards...

Who's gonna be first to completely set dress their house in a UNSC theme? LOL!
I'm thinkin' my theater room needs a UNSC overhaul... ;)

That really looks great - simple contruction but the paintjob is what really makes it. I just happen to have a sheet of masonite in the garage that I was going to use for a fiber-optic star ceiling - hmmm...
That looks amazing dude, great work.

Maybe once i get a few builds under my belt i'll be willing to tackle something like this :)
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