Noble 6 armor

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Hey everyone, so with Halo 4 coming soon and little work time I have. I've been finishing what I starded.

Heres where I started and where I am today.

The helmet on the left is the new project: the right is what I gave to my friend.



I used popsicle sticks to stabalize the structure... I apologize if my spelling is atrocious.





I havent touched up on the gun lately, but work shall soon be done :)

And theres more...


so i came up wit the screen I dea because I had no money at the time and it was all I had.. And it works pretty well :)



here is where I am today :) enjoy





I still have the legs and boots... and the cod. But it will all be done soon :) thanks for checking out my build.
great job!
you don't mind me asking how long have you been working on this project?
and are you going to put on a gold visor or leave the gold screen?
Thanks guys :)

Yeah I'm hoping to get a visor for this helm. When I do I'm gonna redo the lining on the visor. Clean it up a bit.

I think totally I've worked on this for a good 6 months.. Maybe shorter. I started last September. And near January I moved so it totally screwed up with my area of construction. I don't have a garage anymore. Now space is limited and there's little work room. If I finish this all through it will be my first completed set of armor.
I cannot quite make out how exactly you did the visor, but hey, cheers! I think it looks very good!

I also like the gold/sand-ish color scheme, although I'll admit being a little weirded out by the oxfordblue/cyan-ish secondary color.

But in the end, that's YOUR suit, YOUR baby, so do as you damn please ahah ;-)
got some photos guys :) its been a while


I still need to work some last things about the chest so it stays connected. I got a visor for it to test it, Its cutting it close but its still cool :) Also you probably can see my other project in the back.


To me i feel like i show to much gut. theres just to much space in the middle. also for the cod... i wasnt able to make a whole new one so I had cut it down into a belt and can wear it and it fits.


Heres my othe project! :D

please reply :D
Looks pretty good overall.

Something doesn't quite look right to me with the torso scaling, though. It just looks like there may be a lot more room between where the cod and bottom of the ab plate is than there should be. Don't get me wrong. . . it looks like the torso fits you perfectly. Maybe it's just where the cod is sitting on you. It may be a little lower than it should. Since you don't have the side pieces on the cod it just looks a little funny to me. I don't mean to be harsh if it's coming across that way.

Like I said. It looks pretty good to me. I hope this helps.
Hey its all good :) I had no idea this would happen but it did. But i have ideas for covering it up for the most part


THe belt seems like a possible thing to do and seems more likely to carry more than the side

hopefully that hides it :) lemmy know what you think :D
Here we go everyone, Here's my full suit done. well... I dont have boots, nor the knee pads... But I consider this complete :)

I hope you guys like the pouch idea, It reminds me of Halo CE with Master Chiefs Ammo pouches he has.


Throughout this project I have learned a few thing.

1. Time and patients is crucial

2. Imagination

3. Correct Sizing (meaning I need to scale them to myself)

4. Update the status of work on 405th. That way people can see what I have done and give some advice or better ways of going by something.


And yes, I am still working on the gun.


I have made adjustments to the positioning of the pouches so it fits better and looks more natural. I made it from suspenders, leatherman & sandwich pouches, and a belt with snap buckel.

Here is me at the midnight premere for halo 4 :) I got to meet some friends.


Thats about it for now. :) AXIOS!
I'm hoping that with this next suit I can take Ideas from this previous one and construct something strong, and more versitile if that makes sense. I will be trying various hardening theories I've been thinking about and see how well things will go. Rondo is among the new technuqies.
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