Noble Six WIP

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New Member
Noble Six Build

Hey guys...started my first build a couple weeks ago but it has been really slow due to below freezing weather...this is what I have done so far...

I started at the top...turned out to be a bad idea :(

almost done

since I started at the top...the collar area and a small part of the visor have slight warpage

I also had to trim both sides near the ear because they wouldn't fit right

Let me know what you think...any comments, etc. I should get it hardened today and hopefully a base coat of primer to see which areas need work


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Awesome! extremely clean pep work, and the warpage is virtually unnoticeable. and i like the file, whos is it?
It was unfolded by Brandon McClain...for some reason the pep doesn't say who the author is...I am thinking Rundown but I am not positive...if anyone knows let me know so I can give the proper credit...The pep went together pretty well, but there were a few parts where I had to make some modifications because it didn't seem to go together right...but I think it went good for my first try...I probably should have picked an easier pep.
I got my helmet hardened with Rondo, I couldn't glass it because it is way too cold to use fiberglass, however the Rondo cured when I tested it, it just takes longer than normal. As you can see I clearly misjudged the amount I needed, or I made it too thick. It took three tries to cover the whole helmet.

Finally got it covered.

Next I will prime it to see which areas need Bondo, hopefully the next stage goes well, I have over four years experience at an auto body shop, funny because using the brand Bondo was a cardinal sin (it is the cheapest and not very good quality) but I don't want to spend money on the fancy stuff since I am making a helmet not a Ferrari.


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Sorry for the double/triple post...just got a base coat of primer laid down...I had it on a pitchfork outside and it looked like the old war pictures of a helmet on the fallen soldiers rifle...except a Spartan...with a pitchfork? So I moved it inside to avoid questions from the neighbors.



and now time for some Bondo...any comments, criticism is very welcome, although this site has great tuts for first timers such as myself, I could always use extra help.


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Thanks...the pep file was awesome, it had a TON of small pieces, but it makes it easier in the end because the majority of the bondo work is going to be to cover the seams and a few spots that had minor warpage, but other than that I was suprised that I don't have too much bondo to do...hopefully I will finish the bondo/sanding sometime tomorrow and post some pics up...I have some awesome weapon pics to go with it...not prop weapons but them seemed very fitting :cool
Thanks Recon...yea the majority of warpage is in the side of the can see it in the side view, and on both back corner areas...hard to see in the pictures but I've already fixed them with bondo. I'll try to have new pics up later tonight or tomorrow...I need to take a "soda" break for a little.
Thanks some more work done today, not as much as I had hoped but I had a lot of side projects going is the progress from today...I still have a bit of Bondo work to do but I wanted to prime it again because it is hard to tell since the Bondo is red it contrasts a lot...
The fallen soldier on a pitchfork

Smoothed out the warpage mostly...still have some work to do

Front angle


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Thanks for all the positive feedback guys...definitely helps with the motivation...not related to my helmet but I will try to include some of my real weapons into my build...obviously not out in public or anything stupid/illegal

This is my M6C haha


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very nice build so far man, it is looking awesome! this really good for a first timer and good luck with the rest man :)
You can buy real suppressors for some firearms.

Funny thing is, I can buy a suppressor for one of my pistols but I can't buy the LAM attachment I want because it is only available to special forces units. It's just a laser/flashlight module...
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