I have the file for the N7 armor from mass effect problem is I don't know how to separate the file on pepakura so I can scale it piece by piece. would anyone happen to know how?
I have the file for the N7 armor from mass effect problem is I don't know how to separate the file on pepakura so I can scale it piece by piece. would anyone happen to know how?
Are you saying that all the pieces of the armor are being shown on the 3D model? If so, I don't believe you can separate them in Pepakura Designer. You may have to use a program that can accept .OBJ files and separate them through there. If all this seems too much of a hassle, you may have to ask someone with knowledge of how to do this. One other, more tedious, approach would be to use the "point-to-point measure tool, measure the pice you want to scale, do a whole bunch of math/guess work, and set the scale of the model to match that one piece........then repeat the process for all the other pieces. Either way, having the full 3D set on one file can be hard to work with :unsure
Daum daum Daum lol I knew it ha, and ta it is a bit of a hassle but I will take the time to learn how if I can't find anyone to take it apart. I have other projects I can work on/want to work on until then lol. Really lPreciate the feed back and helpfull tip.
I have separated the hunter suit that I am building using blender. You have to have the full version on pepakura in order to export files. Then export it as an obj. file. Open it in blender and delete the parts you don't need. Save each piece as its own obj file. Then reopen it in pepakura and unfold it. It's kind of pain in the butt but it will work. Luck for me I have all my hunter parts already unfolded by the original artist, but I also have the full figure. I separated the full figure just to see if I could get it 3d print ready, more just toying with it.
So the way I have done it is like this. Open the file, tab for edit mode, click on face slect, select the part you want to remove, press L. That will select the all the faces of that one part. X to delete, click edges and faces. Boom, part gone. Now remember, save each file as its own, so click save as. Then save it as a obj file.