Oddball's First build 2.0


Member DIN
So.... C2E2 was amazing, but I think some people were right in saying that we need more ways for people to actually interact with the 405th booth, so my idea was to make a 3D set of armor that was not only wearable but also made to be drawn on.

My take on this would be to paint it with a chalkboard spray paint and carry around some chalk so kids or adults might draw on it. But I need some help because I don't even know where to begin? I need armor recommendations, and different ideas on how to make the armor interactive, or just ways to fulfill my plan. If anyone wants to help you can also comment that as well.
First off I think I would limit it to the front or where you can see what they are writing you don't want some one to write luck me on the back of the armor. Something like the chest of the master chief but not the whole suit mix and match them maybe some abs armor or big security shoulders
First off I think I would limit it to the front or where you can see what they are writing you don't want some one to write luck me on the back of the armor. Something like the chest of the master chief but not the whole suit mix and match them maybe some abs armor or big security shoulders
I see you point lol
I like the idea! Since it’s going to be drawn/doodled upon, an armor with a lot of surface area would probably be the best. Off the top of my head a mk 6 or 7 would probably be the best, I know the 7 has some arm attachments that would be a good canvas
I like the idea! Since it’s going to be drawn/doodled upon, an armor with a lot of surface area would probably be the best. Off the top of my head a mk 6 or 7 would probably be the best, I know the 7 has some arm attachments that would be a good canvas
Thanks for the suggestion man!!!
So I know I haven't posted since the initial announcement, but that's just because I've been super busy. My first stage in my plan is to preplan the armor using programs, a mock up with foam and measuring tape. So that everything fits and I can finally have sizing correct. I also need to make a filament run eventually and get the stl files for the suit.
I'm also interested to see how this would play out, you could also do something with sticky notes, or colors as well, here's an idea, a completly module spartan that people can customize.
I am thinking for the Armor core I would do a Mark VII Mjolnir with an EOD helmet and add either attachments or those crossbody leather straps that hold ammo, so that I can hold chalk.
Could go with some larger sized shoulders for a lot of surface area to write on, or smaller ones that have simple flat geometry like Mk. V's. Think it'd be easier to print too


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I like the idea! Since it’s going to be drawn/doodled upon, an armor with a lot of surface area would probably be the best. Off the top of my head a mk 6 or 7 would probably be the best, I know the 7 has some arm attachments that would be a good canvas
CE Mark V might be a good option as well! The low-poly style gives quite a bit of surface area all around.
Could go with some larger sized shoulders for a lot of surface area to write on, or smaller ones that have simple flat geometry like Mk. V's. Think it'd be easier to print too
Definitely a possibility thank you so much for the recommendation with normal sized printers it's hard to print armor in whole pieces
I'd throw Mirage in the possible armor mix, the smooth round chest seems a good candidate for this. Creative idea!
So quick update, got back from Dallas today, somehow talked Spartan Sweed into giving me a suit of armor that doesn't fit him, soi got a suit I'll probably use both black and white chalkboard spray with silver accents on the front and easy to see/reach areas. And for the rest of it just stick with the green and silver on the back and hard to reach places
Again thank you SpartanSweed
So quick update, got back from Dallas today, somehow talked Spartan Sweed into giving me a suit of armor that doesn't fit him, soi got a suit I'll probably use both black and white chalkboard spray with silver accents on the front and easy to see/reach areas. And for the rest of it just stick with the green and silver on the back and hard to reach places
Again thank you SpartanSweed
I meant green chalkboard spray
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