Foam ODST Rucksack help


New Member
Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well!

I’m reaching out for some help with the ODST rucksack files (halo-3-odst-unsc-odst-dutch-m-lbe-hard-case-ua.obj)
we have in the armoury. I’ve attempted to build it twice now, but I keep encountering the same issue: the rucksack ends up looking crooked.

I’m aware that some parts are clipping into each other, and I’ve tried various workarounds, but unfortunately, I end up with the same results each time.

If anyone has a "how-to" guide or any tips for this build, I would greatly appreciate it. My ODST suit looks a bit off without the backpack, and I’m concerned that a 3D printed version might be too heavy for the foam.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the foam, but I can help with 3D printing. When I return home from work today I can tell you exactly how much my Galactic Armory 3D printed backpack weighs. With simple strapping, you should be able to carry it without mounting it to your foam parts. That way you can make a better informed decision on whether you want to stick with foam or try a 3d printed backpack. With 3D printing, weight can be drastically modified by the settings you choose to print or the design. If you do end up printing, and if I was planning on printing another backpack, I'd consider FromTheBrinkStudios. It is by far the most practical of any of the 3D printable ODST backpacks I've seen.
I'm currently working on the FromTheBrinkStudios backpack and love the effort put into it. The details, functionality, and component interlocking, it all makes it worth it.

I didn't touch the scaling, and have used a mix of PLA / PETG at varying infill and wall settings. The backpack for me will be quite a bit of weight for a backpack, but I personally am okay with it. As mentioned by Hadone, print settings can be modified to make it lighter. I went for strength as I couldn't print the major pieces in one piece due to bed sizes. The plan is to make it attach to my ODST shoulder pads via buckles.

Back to your issue though, do you have any pictures to share of your attempts with the armor files? We / another member may be able to give input after seeing what you have done.
My ODST rucksack is not attached to the armor at all. It is attached to a set of back pack straps worn under and independent from the armor that is fed through slits in the armor so that no weight is actually on the armor itself. Use of a similar set up might work for using a 3D printed rucksack with your foam armor.

I'm currently working on the FromTheBrinkStudios backpack and love the effort put into it. The details, functionality, and component interlocking, it all makes it worth it.

I didn't touch the scaling, and have used a mix of PLA / PETG at varying infill and wall settings. The backpack for me will be quite a bit of weight for a backpack, but I personally am okay with it. As mentioned by Hadone, print settings can be modified to make it lighter. I went for strength as I couldn't print the major pieces in one piece due to bed sizes. The plan is to make it attach to my ODST shoulder pads via buckles.

Back to your issue though, do you have any pictures to share of your attempts with the armor files? We / another member may be able to give input after seeing what you have done.
No, I trashed the backpack, the angles were all wrong when I attempted to glue all the pieces together :/

I'll add some pictures on my next attempt
I'm currently in the process of tracing and cutting my rucksack so I'll let you know how it goes. I did notice from the armory file there is some eyeballing with angles on the middle/top section. Hopefully once done I can provide some insight if it goes well.
Sorry for my lack of activity, but I did it! The angles were a challenge like He4thbar said, but I'm rather proud of the end result.

I decided to add a foam panel in the back to help with the rigging—it's not the best—looking, but nobody should see it, haha.

The entire thing took me around a week to build and paint. I might add some dirt effects on the bottom, which means adding some dirt to my current armor, and I don't know if I'll have enough time before Halloween


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