ODST torso: solid or soft?


New Member
Hey! I’m new here, but i’m planning on making my first ever ODST build. Before jumping feet first into hell i was researching the best way to go about this.

I’ve seen a lot of ODST builds use either a combat vest or a custom foam/fabric vest for the torso. I was curious to see what the general consensus is on which is better and why. Would appreciate any tips or pointers!

Credit to user TorxWrenx, who has a fantastic example of a combat vest for the torso. Mentions in his post he picked it for comfort and he likes the shape it gives.



As for the soft torso, FromTheBrinkStudios has a brilliant example below.


Both designs seem to look great in the final product, has any one used either method? Would love to hear your experience! I feel like the soft torso would be more maneuverable and screen accurate, but the vest easier to make/put on.

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