Soft Parts Odst Undersuit

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well ive been searching for the best type of undersuit or underarmor for the ODST Weta Version, and seeing how theres so much underneath i think it takes a little interpretation to replicate it. i my self came across a type of material called Cordura with some mesh, which looks nice and some what cheap

cordura padded vest

cordura pants

mens cordura pants

womens cordura pants

cordura swat vest with knife holder

cordura product search

the stuff looks nice, some have padding, and with enough work could look like the undersuit for the Weta ODST
Here's the vest I found. It's only $45 so it won't break your wallet, and it looks pretty accurate in my opinion. link

Looks like i might have to go with your vest though, nice find.
Cool finds Assassin, and thanks for including the ladies ;)

I found some stuff on amazon awhile ago that could work too, just haven't had time to post XD
i found a tac. vest that looked a lot like the ones used by the unsc.ill put it up if i can find it again.
Speaking of ODST Undersuit heres Westerfield's ODST Halo 2 Soft Armor hes been working on for me, he told me he will post a Work in progress topic later this weekend. This is the only pic he has on his website

That was a bit of a necro post their buddy, please look at the dates posted. But I did need to find a good ODST undersuit so i must thank you at the same time for saving me a good 10 seconds of search time.
hm.. Nice find, looking forward for it it work out? :p Me too, i need undersuit around the 30-40 $ :D!
mikedav17 said:
This site usually has some pretty good stuff, weither or not you find some it useful for the undersuit is a matter of opinion but it has a lot of other things, that might be useful to, that you may or may not decide to use.

EDIT: sorry for the necro.

The undersuit & soft armor section is pretty slow, it takes longer in here for something to be considered a necro, especially when you have a useful post like a good supplier.
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