1st Build ODST Visor Vaccum Forming Material (UK Based)

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New Member
Alright, so this is my first build, and I'm starting out with an ODST Helmet, which I understand is a tricky visor to make.

Luckily, my 3D Print files came with a forming buck! However, I saw a lot of people recommending PETG and using inch measurements. I narrowed it down to needing to be about 1mm~ thick or less; but it seems that finding PETG is pretty hard, at least where I'm looking.

HOWEVER, I did find Acrylic that's 1mm thick.
visor forming.png

Anyone know if I'd be alright forming with this? Whether it'd be too thick, or if the material might cause problems?
I don't mind spending more, but if I can avoid it, I gladly will :)

Otherwise, any UK Based Builders who have other ideas on where to get formable material? Or on what material they'd recommend?

Thanks in advance, been wanting so bad to get into armour building since i was like 14; but now I finally have the means and I wanna do it right!

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I would not recommend using acrylic.

Acrylic will be more brittle and prone to shattering than PETG.

Secondly, PETG needs much lower temperature to form at. PETG is able to be formed at around, or less than 140 F or 60 C, while Acrylic will need to be heated to around 290-320ºF or 142-160ºC.
I would not recommend using acrylic.

Acrylic will be more brittle and prone to shattering than PETG.

Secondly, PETG needs much lower temperature to form at. PETG is able to be formed at around, or less than 140 F or 60 C, while Acrylic will need to be heated to around 290-320ºF or 142-160ºC.
Understood, so I had another look around some other places and found some PETG for a...not unreasonable price. But the thinnest they have is 1mm. Think this'd be too thick or it'd be alright?
I believe N8TEBB uses (0.762mm) PETG and has mentioned his visors are on the thin side, so, I think 1 mm should work.
1mm will do just fine. Some people use as thick as 1.5mm. The thicker the plastic is the more important it is that it's not heated too quickly. Otherwise, you'll get bubbles.
1mm will do just fine. Some people use as thick as 1.5mm. The thicker the plastic is the more important it is that it's not heated too quickly. Otherwise, you'll get bubbles.
Perfect. Thanks. The plan is to make my own cheapy vac-forming table with wood and form on that, after heating in our oven, so I'll try to increase the heat nice and gradually. Anyone know if I need to use a super strong vacuum for this or if our 6~Hg vac will do?

P.S. Love your videos, N8TEBB, they've been super helpful throughout everything I've done so far.
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