Official 343i Cosplay Guide: SPARTAN MK. VII [GEN3]


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343 Industries has released their second official "Cosplay Guide," and it is for Halo Infinite's SPARTAN MK. VII [GEN3]

To download the official cosplay guide for the MK. VII [GEN3] you can use the links below:

343 Industries has released their second official "Cosplay Guide," and it is for Halo Infinite's SPARTAN MK. VII [GEN3]

To download the official cosplay guide for the MK. VII [GEN3] you can use the links below:

This is really awesome! Good find!
343 Industries has released their second official "Cosplay Guide," and it is for Halo Infinite's SPARTAN MK. VII [GEN3]

To download the official cosplay guide for the MK. VII [GEN3] you can use the links below:

What material is used in making this? Is it foam?
What material is used in making this? Is it foam?
This is the official "Cosplay Guide" published my Microsoft and 343 Industries, it is a reference guide and parts breakdown to assist builders in making the costume out of their material of choice. It lists reccomended materials for many pieces, but those are more "In Universe" or "lore accurate" descriptions, and only intend to be a reference for the appearance or structural nature of some pieces.
This is the official "Cosplay Guide" published my Microsoft and 343 Industries, it is a reference guide and parts breakdown to assist builders in making the costume out of their material of choice. It lists reccomended materials for many pieces, but those are more "In Universe" or "lore accurate" descriptions, and only intend to be a reference for the appearance or structural nature of some pieces.
Okay, thanks for the clarification!
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