Ohio State University

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Jr Member
(I hate bringing politics and real life events in to here but hey its gotta be done sometimes)

Guys can we just have a check in if any members are are studying at Ohio State that they are safe I hate to be the person to stay this but we need to take a stand this is a public request if anyone can give blood please do every year people die because they can't get the blood they need ive seen it sadly first hand as of being 17 in september i have gave 2 pints (1 pint every 60 days) it may not seem a lot but its really important

Equally if you can not give blood for any reasons religion or taking medication feel free to go to a blood bank or a hospital and donate water or gatorade or food its always welcome as always guys I wish you the best of luck and request you stay safe this may not reach far but its a very important message no matter what you can give give it

thought are with you all and your fam

oh my god... that's such a sad story... I need myself blood medications such as betapace and if I would be in such a situation I would... I guess I would die...
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