painted assault rifle

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lolz... sorry... frost... but umm... my real life nickname frost

but also this is the unpainted version


also who ever made that assault rifle in the bottem thanks sooo much... good refrence pictures
damasterchief said:
also who ever made that assault rifle in the bottem thanks sooo much... good refrence pictures

that was Link i think.... yeah ask somebody else...
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I r claiming tis art work mine LOLOLOLOL it r has name on it "frost" i r frost!!11!!!1!!11

Nice artwork, at first I was curious why my name is on it, but then I read your post. Your nickname may be frost, but my REAL name is frost ;)

I r claiming tis art work mine LOLOLOLOL it r has name on it "frost" i r frost!!11!!!1!!11

Nice artwork, at first I was curious why my name is on it, but then I read your post. Your nickname may be frost, but my REAL name is frost ;)

lol... never knew that
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