PDLC smart film for adjustable tint?

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Member DIN
I'm currently in the process of making an odst suit, I was curious if anybody has tried using smart film to have a visor that can become dark or clear if needed? Such as in halo 3 odst or the live action commercials.
Has anyone tried this?
I remember looking into smart film, I believe the 2 things that made it infeasible was that it required a decent amount of power and it is not flexible to concave surfaces such as a vacuum formed ODST visor
I remember looking into smart film, I believe the 2 things that made it infeasible was that it required a decent amount of power and it is not flexible to concave surfaces such as a vacuum formed ODST visor
I had half a thought to try to break it down into smaller panels to deal with the concave, but you are correct that power draw is fairly ridiculous.
I appreciate the advice, and the cash you have probably saved me haha.
Btw, saw your visor system, super rad!
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