Personal Sticker Projects


Well-Known Member
Member DIN
So I have been a little bit busy lately and I have been wanting to finally buckle down and do a few of the things that I have neglected for a while. One of those things was getting some personal sticker designs for my armor done and prepped for printing/ordering.

While I already had a pretty good sense for how to complete the project I did use N8TEBB tutorial as an assistant to anything that I might have needed help with.

So, I first made a couple of rapid designs to see what would flow with the picture I planned to use:
Sticker MK 2.pngSticker MK 3.png

Figuring that given the pose I was using wouldn't be dynamic enough to do justice to a landscape format I decided on a more complete portrait type of sticker.

I went back through with a more thorough brush and cleaned up my design, and here was my result:
Sticker MK 4.png

It is at least enough to make me happy until I can get out in the wild and get some good pictures with all my new armor pieces.

So expect those projects to end up here as well.

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