Please read! (School Project Survey)

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Nope! This sounds like a bit of a scam. Why on earth do you need my gamertag in a survey?
Noted. My apologies. I don't understand why you need our gamertags. Video Game addiction is a legit thing like anything else, but I don't feel like this is the place for things like this. I will not answer the survey, but anyone else is free to do so.
Agreed, a bit harsh but on the flip side I concur w/ mblackwell1002. We already know that Video gaming is addictive......I for one have at times been known to loose myself in the loss of many a nights sleep and the wrath of the on that basis.....I'm out.......
What if we don't have a Gamertag?

I never got an XBone and I don't think my 360 has been connected to the internet in 5+ years so I don't see it being very useful information to you.
Just because of that I will not be answering. Sorry TSCGCobra043 but encouraging people to lie is not okay with me, especially for Science.

I also don't think it is a good topic. EVERYTHING is addictive. Are you trying to measure how addictive? Are you trying to say if the addiction is good or bad? People can be addicted to helping the addicted that they give everything away and they are now poor. Is that a bad thing?

Next time just ask for first name, no gamertags.

Good luck, stay in school. :)
TSCGCobra043 - Please edit your post above to remove inappropriate language. This is a site for people of all ages.

Also, please know that Schankerz likes to make jokes. You are of course welcome here. We prefer to talk about Halo, but video games in general still fall within our domain.

Taking a survey of people is part of social psychology which is a science.

Of course the data will remain impartial, but as humans we tend to put our own spin on things without even trying to. For instance in your most recent comment you said, "determine any adverse effects" when you could have said, "determine any effects". Two different things and what you're after is important.

One tip on surveying people, don't give away your hand. In your head say "determine adverse effects" because that is your hypothesis, but to the public say "determine effects" that way you are not steering the data.

As for your request to survey in general, know that people don't like to be used by someone who doesn't care. My time is valuable and by the tone of your comments you don't care much about what you're doing or what I have to say. Don't expect much until you put as much or more in.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do your survey, just take another look at how you're going about it. Put yourself in the public's shoes and see if things couldn't be improved.

(you have to admit it is a little weird that the only thing required on the survey is our gamer tags..)

... One more suggestion.. In your survey if I didn't play games today then I throw off your data even though I could have been playing video games for 72 hours straight prior to today.

Try saying, when was the last time you played? Today, yesterday, last week, last month.

How frequently do you play? Daily, almost every day, couple times a week, couple times a month.

Then ask your questions but put in every question the words "the last time you played."
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TSCGCobra043 This serves as your official warning. Any further inappropriate language or flaming will not be tolerated and will result in further disciplinary measures.

Everyone else, there is a wrong way and a right way to disagree with someone. I expect all of you to keep it civil and Keep It Clean.
I found a better place to post the survey. any productive criticism is appreciated but not needed. Any unproductive criticism is unappreciated. I went ahead and deleted anything I said. Have a nice day
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