Printer Broke, I have 1 month to find a Master Chief Suit for huge event as host. Am I doomed?


New Member
I hope this isn't the wrong place. I run a nonprofit in Tucson, and September 27th is our annual gala. As CEO, I thought it would be awesome to be Master Chief. Its an astronomy nonprofit, so the event attire is Space/Galactic/futuristic themed. My Anycubic Max is down, just in time to give me an aneurysm... Does anyone know where I can find one to borrow, rent, or buy thats not horrible? Thank you! I am 6ft, 190lbs. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Maybe you get some comfort or at least not be mad at the printer, by knowing 1 printer to print an entire suit with enough time to finish it and all the other build out... In less than 30 days... probably wouldn't have made it anyway. Not unless you take the entire month as vacation, do nothing else and only live to process the costume as fast as it comes off the printer, in real time. And even then... ehhh... I have my doubts that one Anycubic Max will crank enough parts out fast enough because it basically means printing an entire suit in 2-3 weeks to leave time for seaming, sanding, painting and everything else.

You might have better luck asking someone that has a suit (which will be scaled and tailored to their build not yours), if they would come and appear at your event. Folks that own armor cosplay are generally always looking for any excuse to wear it out, make an appearance or promote the hobby and the group.
I know I personally wouldn't want someone else sweating in my under-armor, or risking their inexperience at being in cosplay armor to cause them to fall, hurt themselves, someone else, or break elements of the suit.
If you were unaware, the 405th is an all volunteer organizations that does appearances at Community and Charity events, as well as Conventions.

You can fill out the Request and Appearance form here on the website, and if we have members available in your area on the date and time, we are happy to make work with you to have some members present at your event.

Our members do not rent or loan, but we are always happy to work with non profits and Charity groups to make Free appearances in support of those organizations.

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