New Member
As someone who (as I'm sure you can all tell based on the sheer number of threads I've posted in the last 5 days) is very new and inexperienced to printing, all my life I've been a Halo fan. Halo Reach was the first video game I ever played to completion, my adopted older brother would sneak me into his room and we'd play together as my parents didn't want me playing M rated games. I have such fond memories, that my whole life I've been such a huge Halo fan. I've wanted to make armor for years, and now that I'm at college and have a wealth of people who can help me print and access to a printer, I'm finally going to do it. My plan was to make MoeSizzlac 's MK5 carter build as well as his CQC helmet, but upon looking at the files, there are just so many. I feel overwhelmed and lost. As I'm sure those of you who are familiar with me are aware, I'm a nursing student, so I don't have *That* much free time. Should I start with an ODST cosplay instead? I've heard they are easier for beginners and have less pieces. I'm open to suggestions and advice, as I'm kind of lost here guys. I know I've only been in this community for like a week, but you guys have already given such great advice, and I've learned so much. I can't wait to dive deeper into this world and become closer friends with you all. Have fun at MegaCon for those of you participating!