Printing Questions and Nervousness


New Member
As someone who (as I'm sure you can all tell based on the sheer number of threads I've posted in the last 5 days) is very new and inexperienced to printing, all my life I've been a Halo fan. Halo Reach was the first video game I ever played to completion, my adopted older brother would sneak me into his room and we'd play together as my parents didn't want me playing M rated games. I have such fond memories, that my whole life I've been such a huge Halo fan. I've wanted to make armor for years, and now that I'm at college and have a wealth of people who can help me print and access to a printer, I'm finally going to do it. My plan was to make MoeSizzlac 's MK5 carter build as well as his CQC helmet, but upon looking at the files, there are just so many. I feel overwhelmed and lost. As I'm sure those of you who are familiar with me are aware, I'm a nursing student, so I don't have *That* much free time. Should I start with an ODST cosplay instead? I've heard they are easier for beginners and have less pieces. I'm open to suggestions and advice, as I'm kind of lost here guys. I know I've only been in this community for like a week, but you guys have already given such great advice, and I've learned so much. I can't wait to dive deeper into this world and become closer friends with you all. Have fun at MegaCon for those of you participating!
I'd say that if you don't have much free time for building, then an ODST or marine build might be in your best interest, especially if you mean to wear it to a con anytime soon. When it comes to the nervousness, just be aware that you aren't alone in that. I dread every piece I make but I've ended up with a competent cosplay so I guess perseverance is important, as is having the gall to say " screw it, I'm just gonna start". Keep being brave and ask questions and I'm sure you'll be making considerable progress soon.
New member here as well! I just recently got into 3d printing and my first build is the recon set from halo 3, but I love Halo: Reach. It's near and dear to my heart, and it really makes you love the characters. I'm in a similar boat with not exactly a ton of free time, but I have found it rewarding to jump right into the spartan armor. Learning to use the slicer is a huge part, but I took the time to kinda organize the files into folders for certain parts of the armor and it's really helped manage the overwhelming-ness. I'm printing on an A1 mini and the chest plate i just finished was 25 plates, the experience i got from slicing and fitting as been invaluable. I say go for it, but be ready to make mistakes, I've made plenty but the idea of having a physical piece of beloved Halo memories is enough to push me though! Any questions at all I'll help in any way. Good luck!
New member here as well! I just recently got into 3d printing and my first build is the recon set from halo 3, but I love Halo: Reach. It's near and dear to my heart, and it really makes you love the characters. I'm in a similar boat with not exactly a ton of free time, but I have found it rewarding to jump right into the spartan armor. Learning to use the slicer is a huge part, but I took the time to kinda organize the files into folders for certain parts of the armor and it's really helped manage the overwhelming-ness. I'm printing on an A1 mini and the chest plate i just finished was 25 plates, the experience i got from slicing and fitting as been invaluable. I say go for it, but be ready to make mistakes, I've made plenty but the idea of having a physical piece of beloved Halo memories is enough to push me though! Any questions at all I'll help in any way. Good luck!
Wow thanks. I hope your armor turns out ok!

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