Rakshasa Foam files


New Member
Rakshasa core files

Recently in my spare time I was working on the unfold of several pieces of the rakshasa core and after many hours and fixing the game model I finally finished the files today.

And I really hope that someone can help him in his projects, and I would also like to receive a little guidance to upload the files to the armory. Since other times I wanted to upload the files of the Infinite Marines and those of the New Mombasa Police Corps but I couldn't haha

Without further ado, here are the files:



  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Armfor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1 MB · Views: 148
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Armup-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    841.5 KB · Views: 141
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Boot-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.1 MB · Views: 103
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Drapsman Glove-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.5 MB · Views: 117
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Kneepad UA Type SN-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    916.9 KB · Views: 119
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Shin-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    946.9 KB · Views: 133
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Shoulder HPVistla-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.2 MB · Views: 99
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Thigh-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    831.7 KB · Views: 132
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Torso Belt-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.6 MB · Views: 107
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Torso pouch-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    1.6 MB · Views: 117
  • Halo-Infinite-Rakshasa-Torso-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    3.2 MB · Views: 131
Rakshasa core files

Recently in my spare time I was working on the unfold of several pieces of the rakshasa core and after many hours and fixing the game model I finally finished the files today.

And I really hope that someone can help him in his projects, and I would also like to receive a little guidance to upload the files to the armory. Since other times I wanted to upload the files of the Infinite Marines and those of the New Mombasa Police Corps but I couldn't haha

Without further ado, here are the files:

View attachment 349570
Beautiful, wish I knew you where working on this, had to get some files fixed up for mine
Awesome to see!!
Warning for others though since I've had this issue before with game rip unfolds. I downloaded the forearm and it appears to be slanted/not symmetrical to x y z axis.
The limb pieces can probably only be scaled in uniform scale since in armorsmith if you scale x y z axis it will elongate parts in weird ways.
Thank you for providing these regardless. These will help lots of people :)
I just run into this issue with my lanky extremities and tend to have to stretch the parts in different directions for height/length/width of most armor lol.
Awesome to see!!
Warning for others though since I've had this issue before with game rip unfolds. I downloaded the forearm and it appears to be slanted/not symmetrical to x y z axis.
The limb pieces can probably only be scaled in uniform scale since in armorsmith if you scale x y z axis it will elongate parts in weird ways.
Thank you for providing these regardless. These will help lots of people :)
I just run into this issue with my lanky extremities and tend to have to stretch the parts in different directions for height/length/width of most armor lol.
Your files are still darn good to use
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