reach help please


Sr Member
Member DIN
i have been searching with the search bar but im not sure if what im looking for is just in a post or if the post was for the decals. so if someone can point me in the right direction, im looking for halo reach armor decals i know i saw them because we were trying to figure out what they said because they were blurry... Help
I don't have the link to the page(s) with them. Searching around and I can't find links or get a search to locate them even when I have the actual file names from the original content. Not wanting to re-open old wounds, but I know that when a couple long-standing individuals left the 405th they took down all their contributions or de-indexed them. If someone has saved bookmarks of those and can re-index them and re-post the links to those pages that would be great.

I do have a lot of the decal/sticker files saved on hard drive. If the original content/pages are gone I can re-post if the brass is okay with that.


  • 1721353887151.png
    342 KB · Views: 47
I don't have the link to the page(s) with them. Searching around and I can't find links or get a search to locate them even when I have the actual file names from the original content. Not wanting to re-open old wounds, but I know that when a couple long-standing individuals left the 405th they took down all their contributions or de-indexed them. If someone has saved bookmarks of those and can re-index them and re-post the links to those pages that would be great.

I do have a lot of the decal/sticker files saved on hard drive. If the original content/pages are gone I can re-post if the brass is okay with that.
that one you have that says reach decals 3 i think those are the ones
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