Reach-ish Custom Foam Armor Build

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So yeah i've made a bunch of random pieces of armor, but never an entire suit. I've also never posted in a forum like this before, so i hope it will help me to actually want to complete an entire cohesive and complete suit. Speaking of the suit. It will definitely look reach-y. It will be a little different though. I'm a guy, but i usually use female armor in-game because i like to buy into the idea that I'm a ranger or a sniper and such. i prefer female armor because it is more slim and sleek and shtuff. (all i usually do is make places on forge and battle royale my friends there) ANYWAY it will be male armor with some female elements. cause guys armor is too bulky. fat looking and such. just not for me. This isn't much to start out with, but it's all i could get done tonight after work. Will be working on it more tomorrow and will post updates.


oh, and i'm adapting (to a male body) most of my starting designs from RoxyRoo's builds. Mine is scratch other than learning all i can from her threads. details will differ, but i need a base to go from. credit goes to RoxyRoo everywhere she deserves it fo sho fo sho
So i've been working on this all day and i've barely gotten anywhere, or so it feels (will still work into the night, but i have to go get more hot glue). I made it actually wearable, and cut open the sides and attached velcro strips. they want to hang open a little now, but i know how i'm gonna fix it already so it's whatevz. i put on some of those front pieces, and i'm diggin it. i know i put on the face plate upside down. it was one of those things thats just like man i wish i hadn't of done that, but i don't care toooo much so i'll leave it, dig?


Right now it looks like some sort of future dj mini turntable cassette tape contraption, hence the altered picture. will post more later. comments and questions and complaints welcome. thanks for checking it out.

Put on more of the front stuffz. trying m best to make my way around the sides so that i can make the parts to cover the area where the chassis opens when i take it off. the pieces that go over it will also come off (dur), but it will be offset so that it doesn't want to hang split open like it is now. i need to make some alterations to those two side platforms of the front. right now they shoot straight back, i'm going to make them angle out ever so slightly so it doesn't look so boxy. overall, i think it's pretty rough and sloppy, but it's not bad in my opinion for making it without any templates or fancy pep files and shtuff people are using. they would probably make this a lot easier, but i then would feel like i'm hardly doing any work.


oh yeah, and that's morokei/vokun/rahgot clinging to my face. i guess it has multiple personalities. lets just hope it's not laying an egg inside of me that will burst out on my chest in the form of a much larger acid-blooded rahgot/morokei/vokun. (i know there are other masks, those are just my favorites.)

Input and suggestions and such always welcome. Thanks for checking it out.

Thanks much. I am thoroughly impressed with your two weeks challenge build(s). This has taken me two days and I'm still moseying around this chest piece! Very inspiring, your work is. Same with this whole site this is incredible. I'm new to it, but I think I'll be staying a while.
More stuff (all on the front) has gone on. i've started into some smaller details, but not that much since i don't have most of the structure even down yet. but the piece that is on top is not yet attached. i'm too tired to make the stuff that goes under it, so it will have to be done tomorrow. this is starting to get fun now. i had to rework the top piece a few times, but it's alright by me now. this isn't totally accurate to the original model but i don't mind since i've been looking at both the female and male versions of this armor (read first post).

anyway here's a pic


Yup. not much to say. it is what it is, and it isn't enough yet in my book. more work tomorrow!
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