Reach ODST build 2.0


New Member
After a year, I've decided to improve my build that I made for San Diego Comic Con. I'm keeping the Helmet, gauntlets, thighs, and chest piece, while the rest is being remade or completely redone.
First I dropped the halo 3 odst torso armor as it was too bulky and didn't really look that great. I replaced it with a tactical vest I got on Amazon, and then I added a few parts from the Reach marine torso armor.

The ab piece, butt piece, knees, shins, foot guards are made from the andrewDFT templates. So far I've found those to be the best instructionsView attachment 350411 as in my opinion the video series is easier to follow than the printouts from the armory.


I wasn't satisfied with the size or accuracy of both of my shoulder pieces, so I remade both of them. For the ODST piece, I made it slightly larger and added a few details to make it more like the Reach armor. I couldn't find a different foam unfold of the ODST sharpshooter shoulder, so I unfolded the game model in pepakura and created my own template.


I'm currently trying to print the ODST UA and CNM modules from Reach on my resin printer, and after that I'll try to print the combat knife, flashbangs, and the DMR if I can.
For the undersuit, I've switched from the black sweatshirt I was using to a black windbreaker. The windbreaker has a better looking texture and extends up to the neck, which covers the skin between my shirt and the balaclava that used to be covered by the old foam chest armor. I've swapped out the old boots for a pair of black shoes as well
lookg great(y) ! What works well is black latex milk with foam, for example simply on the elbows.;)
I'm currently finishing my elbows, tomorrow I'll post it on my Halo Infinite post. You can take a look. (y)
Replying because I really want to see if there's any updates! Your previous version had a sick vibe to it, I'd love to see you realise your vision with these upgrades.
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