Removing hot glue to separate visor, is rubbing alcohol a good solution?


New Member
Currently figure out to remove the hot glue to separate the visor since the commissioner use hot glue to assemble the helmet instead of contact cement.

Is rubbing alcohol a good solution to separate the visor and the foam helmet? Also wont the rubbing alcohol also affect the foam and the paint outside the helmet as well?


I've learnt from a recent course that isopropyl/rubbing alcohol do well to release hot glue. Though, because of the porous nature of the foam, you'd have better luck removing the glue from the visor, removing the visor, then cleaning up what's left on the foam.

You won't have any issues with the alcohol damaging the foam, but make sure to keep it away from your paint work as it could likely affect that, especially if there's no clear coat.
I've learnt from a recent course that isopropyl/rubbing alcohol do well to release hot glue. Though, because of the porous nature of the foam, you'd have better luck removing the glue from the visor, removing the visor, then cleaning up what's left on the foam.

You won't have any issues with the alcohol damaging the foam, but make sure to keep it away from your paint work as it could likely affect that, especially if there's no clear coat.
The visors was inside the helmet while the paint job was exterior of the helmet only since no way anyone would paint the helmet inside, so wont be a problem especially the nature of EVA foam?
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