Republic Commando Peps, Wip

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Boba Fett

Well-Known Member
I've been attempting to learn how to use blender recently, and I've had some success. While everything's been REACHREACHREACH around lately (not bad though... jetpacks! I can't get over it...) I really want to do an RC. I'm an uber-cheapskate, and don't really want to pay skip $50.00 for his set. And apparently, he's not selling those files right now so I'm pretty much screwed... unless I do it myself... So, I don't have much at the moment, but I need to ask a favor. I have 0 skills at free modeling stuff, and I rely heavily on references. I'm having issues with getting accurate, direct front/side views of the armor. Does anybody have ref pics that I could use? This thread will be the hub for my modelling once I get into full swing, and believe me, I;m dedicated to this. I'm mainly looking for an image of what a model would look like from a rip or along that style (arms outstretched, Straight pose, and direct front-side views.) I've come up with virtually nothing, but for a few pics of the chest which are still a bit off kilter. The big areas are the arms and legs, I should be able to swing the torso with what I've got. Obviously the bucket's been taken care of, so that's cool... can anyone help? And I might need the help of a Blender vet to clean up my models a bit to smooth them out and stuff. Let me know if you'd be willing to help. Got no progress pics so far, because my Vista refuses to take screenshots. How do I? I tried using the "print screen/SysRq" button, and it does nothing. (ah, the joys of vista...) Thanks for any help you guys can give me!

EDIT: figured out screenshots. Will post pics later...
hi boda. I have been searching for you, I hope the photo and links help you.



these links has loads of photo to many to upload from people who have made armor









if you need any more just let me now

sorry for the heavy pic uploads
Thanks. That'll help me. I've seen some of those, but a few are really helpful. Now, 1 other thing, anyone have a picture of the deece straight on? I have side views of all the weapons, but I need to know widths. I'll give a try at making it...
most of the armour files are released free... all we really need now is shoulders,biceps,thighs,shins and boots(if you think we need them)
The Dc17M and some of the attachments are completed and are hosted on the pepakura file wiki....the blaster and sniper mags are just boxes and the rifle itself and the attachments not to mention aforesaid mags will need lots of bondo love'n.

the torso is also unfolded though the person who made the file and is a 405th member didn't have it unfolded so I assume it has been recently unfolded.

the helmet will need bondo and so will the torso.

I believe a backpack as been modeled by the person who made the torso but again it hasn't been unfolded....

I have handplates, forearms that need bondo, and a mid-detail helmet. So I would only need biceps, shins, thighs, shoulder bells, and any other parts I haven't mentioned...although others probably don't have what I have so you probably should model all the parts.

if you want some HI-DEF references go here:

I hope those will help you make good files!

Vode An!
The person who modeled the RC Files would be A1TD, I unfolded the abdomen section, and got ahold of the DC-17 with attachments, all that needs done is the pieces you named Tyvern and it'll be done.
@Nin: did you unfold the backpack? I like A1TD(I had forgotten he had made the files)'s work
I never got around to the backpack if I could find the file and if I knew the height for it I would give it a try.
Cool then I'll be closer to having the files for the complete RC!!!!!!!

@Nin: You're awesome! ya know??
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