Robot legs push shopping cart around town

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Well-Known Member

A pair of legs are walking around town? Why? To raise awareness for the safety of homeless people.

According to this video, this shopping cart pushing beast was made in 1993

1993 kinetic robotic art project using remote control, car batteries, aluminum parts, and cables - intentionally set on fire.

Seems it runs off car batteries and bike chains. Freaky, but still funny to see it walk according to the song.
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I find it funny how everybody just acts like walking pants are normal. Does nobody have a sense of humor outside the internet?
Nugget said:
I find it funny how everybody just acts like walking pants are normal. Does nobody have a sense of humor outside the internet?

Smiling and laughing in public is a known sign of weakness.
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Maybe the people just don't know how to react, so they do what they normally do when something abnormal happens: Ignore it.

And why the fire? I don't get it. Maybe it was a random sense of humor sort of thing.
Vrogy said:
Smiling and laughing in public is a known sign of weakness.

i have to say, it was made slightly more disturbing by the whole flaming bit
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Talk about being in the hot seat.

>_> I got a million more but I'll leave it at that.

It looks like someone cut my Dad in half and his legs are walking by themselves ;-;
Not sure why it was set on fire, if I remember right, it was done on purpose, but I have no idea why....
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