Rogue halo 4


New Member
Hi everyone and im new and i wanna jump right in to making my first Spartan costume and i have ran into a problem the helmet i want is the Rogue halo 4 helmet and as you know it has a big visor which is my problem i dont have a clue on jow i would make that visor plus me be able to see through it if you know please help me
For a helmet like Rouge your best bet is going to be to vacuum form the visor.

N8TEBB has a good video on how to do that here. It’s basically three parts:
1. A box that you can hook a shop vac up to, with holes on top to suck air in
2. A frame that can hold a thermo plastic like PETG (I think, maybe just PET?)
3. A 3D printed buck of the visor, basically the visor extruded down to a flat stable bottom.

You put the buck on the box, heat up the thermo plastic, pull it over the buck and turn on the vacuum to suck out the air.
Thank you i just watched that video a little bit ago now i just gotta find a way to cut out my templates but also do you know wht i could use as a mold to make the visor using a vacuum
You could do the visor using Pepakura Paper and Fiberglass maybe. Once it’s made you could put modeling clay underneath to support it. I’ve only ever made on paper helmet and never got to the fiberglass phase phase so I don’t know how that’d turn out exactly.

Or if you have or know anyone with a 3D printer you might be able to find a file for the helmet and visor and then print it out.
Thank you i just watched that video a little bit ago now i just gotta find a way to cut out my templates but also do you know wht i could use as a mold to make the visor using a vacuum
To vacu-form a visor, you would need a visor buck. A buck is the "mold" that you would pull the plastic over for it to take the shape of. They are usually included with 3D printable helmet files. If you have a print file, I would be happy to help you out with a buck.

Here is a great file for Halo 4's Rogue helmet. Halo 4 Rogue Helmet - 3D model by NikkoIndustries on Thangs
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