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Name:  Chris Lively

Age: 18

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina

Occupation: N/A

About me: I am new in the halo armor making and I am on the starting point in the E.O.D helmet, in the beginning stages (just waiting on my supplies). I'm a gentleman and an artist and have been drawing out Spartans and other things so if you would like something sketched just let me know. Also, I am a quick learner so if any of you can give me any tips please do, I am willing to learn anything and everything if you can help me. A HUGE Red vs Blue fan, but also a helpful guy so if you need any help come to me and I will do the best I can to help and I am a gamer. And if you need to contact me just private message me that is the best way to get me. 


Thank you for excepting me into the Southern Regiment and I will do anything to be a good member of the team.

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